Chapter One || First Kiss

Start from the beginning

“And Liam and Niall?”

“Still haven’t checked on them…”

“Go on and get them. I’ll get Zayn downstairs.”

“Alright. Breakfast is as usual.”

“Pancakes and scrambled eggs?” he smiled again, “To be honest, Haz, you’re cooking is so delicious that it never gets old. I’ll eat it anytime.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet, Boobear! So sweet that I might kiss you!” I grinned and Louis laughed. “Okay, enough of the foreplay. Wake Liam and Niall up. I’m betting Daddy Direction stayed later than we all did last night. That’s why he’s still asleep.”

“Yeah, I’m betting that too…”

I went and knocked on Liam’s bedroom door. “Yes? Come in…” Liam’s voice sounded from the inside. I guess he was awake after all. I turned the knob and went in. Liam was on his desk, poring over his laptop. His room, as usual, was the tidiest of us five. Everything was in order; his books were arranged on the small bookshelf and above that were posters of each of the five of us pinned to the wall. There was nothing messy about the room until I laid eyes on the bed. The covers were falling off the bed, the pillows were scattered. The first thing that came into my mind was that he was terribly busy to forget making his bed but then, something shifted on the bed – something pale, something bleached blond, someone Irish.

I smiled. “I see Niall slept here again…” Liam stood up from his chair, closed the lid of his laptop, and sighed, “Yeah, he came knocking just after Paul left last night.” Liam smiled, slightly blushing. “He said he can’t sleep without me anymore. I’m his soft pillow now.”

“Really?” I asked, smiling at him slyly, “Is that a confirmation that you two are…you know…”

“N-no!” Liam turned red, “It’s nothing like that Harry!”

“Too bad,” I pouted my lips, “I would’ve totally supported the two of you…”

“Harry!” Liam turned even red, “Be nice to me for once!”

“No can do, Daddy Direction. Especially if you keep denying it!”

“I’m not denying anything!”

“Yes, you are!” I stuck out my tongue.

Niall groaned, woken up by our shouting. I thought he was gonna call out for Liam but I should’ve known better than to dismiss his first love. “Food…” he grumbled.

“Breakfast is ready downstairs, Nialler.” I said, ruffling Niall’s already messy hair. I went out of the room, giving Liam a playful smirk before closing the door.

Louis and Zayn were already in the kitchen, just starting their breakfast. As Zayn chugged down his glass of orange juice, I grabbed Louis and dragged him to the farthest part of the house – the laundry room. “What are we doing here?” Louis raised his eyebrow.

“I need you to talk to Liam.” I breathed out.

“Talk to him about what exactly?”

“Oh I don’t know,” I looked away, “Maybe about what’s going on with him and Niall?”

“Harry, Liam just went through a break-up. I don’t expect him to talk about anything that has to do with his love life. Even if he is fine with it, I doubt he’ll tell me anything.”

“But you’re the oldest!”

“Technically, yes, but the fans call him ‘Daddy Direction’ for a reason, Harry. And what’s got you all enthusiastic about whether or not there’s something going on with him and Niall all of the sudden?”

“Nothing…” I lied. The truth was that I wanted to know whether or not Louis and I are alone in this “secret relationship” thing. I don’t know, it’s just that I feel like my mind would calm down if there was someone else like us – most especially if it’s one of the boys (or maybe two of them…or maybe all of us?). What’s more, Liam and Niall looked great together and the fans see that as much as I do. I’ll admit that I was what was the term the fans call it? Oh, yes, a shipper. After that break-up with she-who-must-not-be-named, Niall was there to soften the blow – more than the rest of us were able to. With that in mind, I wondered how Niall felt – if he really did have feelings for Liam – when Liam and You-Know-Who-I’m-Talking-About were still together.

“Harry, are you even listening to what I’m saying?” I heard Louis say.

“Huh? What?” I snapped out of my train of thoughts. “Sorry, Lou, I was thinking of something.”

“I can see that…” He smirked and pecked my lips. “C’mon, let’s have breakfast already!”


<Liam’s POV>

“C’mon, Niall, let’s go downstairs…” I said.

“Carry me.” He grinned.

I groaned, “Can’t you walk?” I stared at him and then he gave me that look. Oh, God, not the look again. That cute puppy dog look that makes me melt inside out. I tried to fight it but then he started pleading, “Please, Li? Please?” I couldn’t resist anymore.

I went and scooped him up. “You’re getting heavier…” I commented. He glared at me, “Are you saying I’m getting fat?!” I rolled my eyes, “No, because no matter how much food you eat, you’ll never get fat. You’re a bottomless pit – that’s what you are.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment then.” Niall wrapped his arms around my neck.

I took another step before lifting him up completely when – and I don’t know if this was some kind of sick joke after Harry’s remarks about Niall and me – I slipped on the fallen bed cover and the two of us fell on the bed. That’s when my lips crashed with Niall’s.

Niall was as wide-eyed as I was when it happened. He closed his eyes and suddenly pulled me in even more. I don’t know what was happening but I swore I didn’t want to pull away especially when Niall opened his mouth and my tongue slipped in. My heart was racing, my breathing accelerating. It was only when Niall groaned that I pulled away.

We stared at each other for a minute. “What was that?” asked Niall, panting.

“I don’t know…” I replied and I grabbed on to Niall’s hand as if nothing happened, “Let’s get some breakfast.” That was a lie, of course. I fully knew what that was – proof that Harry was right all along.


Sorry, Darren. I saw the notebook and I simply had to post this! Well, that's the plan of waiting until next year going down the drain... Thought? Comments? Likes? - Leon


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