Ch. 7

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Yn pov

I look at Toby to find him grinning and staring at me.

"You look stupid." I blush and look away to hide my blush.

Aidan walks towards the school doors looking at the tree and i stick out my tongue to him.

He rolls his eyes and walks through the doors inside.

"We should probably go too." I said and look at Toby.

He nodded and we climbed out as the bell rang. "Im done with school after this period so imma head home then too."

"H-have fun." He smiles and i walk him through the school. His smile is so cute.

I walk towards my locker and gran my jacket and books. Toby already went to class again.

I put in my headphones in my phone and select the music.

Then i can feel myself being pushed against the locker.

"Be silent." A low male voice speaks and i try to look at him. But my back is towards him.

I let out a low growl and kick him, well i try to kick him.

I feel a mouth on my neck gently kissing my neck. "What the fuck are you doing!" I try to get away.

The only respond i get is that the male bites my neck claiming that spot and i let out a moan.

I growl again, and let my nails sink into thw males arm he had wrapped around my waist.

He bites harder in my neck making my legs tremble and i could cry because of the pain.

His other hand trials down my body going towards my hoodie and slipping under it. He feels the cuts and feels me flinching at the bruises. Finally i can give him an elbow and elbow him in his stomach.

I feel him being pulled off of me. And look at who it was. Aiden.

"Oh for fuck sakes." I growl at him and look at the other person who pushed him off and see Toby.

"Go home, Yn." He says without stutter.

"O-oke.." i grab my stuff and run away. Not wanting to know what Toby would do to Aiden.

I run to the house and open the door seeing my mom sitting on the couch.

"Hey mom." I walk towards her and smile at her.

"He isnt home yet, you should get your things and leave." She says.

"I cant just leave you with him. The other time i did that you almost died."

"Go, Yn. Go please." I shake my head.

"No." Walking over to the kitchen and cleaning that up.

I hear a door slam and know that my dad is home now.

He walks into the kitchen seeing my neck, the bruise Aiden left on me, and grabs my throat.

"You are a slut." He shoves me up against the wall and i yelp in pain.

"Just hooking up with random boys at school hm?" I cant breath..

I cant breath.. fuck.

Dad looks at me. "Maybe i should use you then." I shake my head.

"N-no please d-dont." I try.

"Well then grab your stuff and live on the streets like a whore that you are." He punches me in my stomach.

Tears stream down my face and he lets go.

"You have 10 minutes." I run upstairs and grab 2 bags. Filling then with stuff i really really need.

I can go to Amelia's house.. probably.

Hey, can i sleepover at your place my parents are on vacation.
                                                  4.30 P.M
Yeah sure come over :)
                                                  4.31 P.M

I shove my shit in my bags and look around. Okey good to go..

4 minutes left.

I write a note to my mom and hide it in my nightstand. Our secret exchange place.

1 minute.

I walk downstairs and see my mom smiling sadly.

I walk out the house and towards Amelia.

Aiden pov:

I couldnt handle it anymore. I had to bite her, make her moan, mark her.

She hates me now but thay will be fine. I want her to love me and i will let her love me.

Tomorrow ill try again. And tbh Toby was annoying as fuck. He couldnt even defend her.

He did hit me hard though.

I sigh and end the call with Amelia.

Yn pov

I knock on the door and she opens it as soon as i thouch the door.

"Ahw babe." Amelia smilez and hugs me.

"Thanks." I mumble.

Amelia isnt at the same school as me. She is on a school much fucking smarter then me.

I walk in and go to her room to leave my stuff there. I open the door and see Aiden sitting on the bed.

"Nice hickey~" he says and walks towards me.

"Im sorry i didnt know you were here.."

"I know." He smirks and i walk backwards feeling the wall in my back.

Fucking hell

He looks at me like im some kind of snack. His lips touch mine and i feel his hands trial all over my body.

Im too stunned to do anything.

"Kiss me back, slut. And maybe ill leave you a virgin." He smirks and kisses my neck as his hand trial to my breasts.

He touches them and slips his hand under my hoodie. Sucking markings in my neck i let out a soft whimper.

"So cute~" he says and kisses me on my lips.

His second hand goes down to my pants and he unbuttons them.

Slipping his hand into my underwear i hear him groan and go back to my neck as he plays with my pussy.

I mean i hate this but it feels so nice..

I moan soft and he bites hard and my legs give out.

He rips off my pants and unbuttons his.

"Y-you said you w-would leave me a v-virgin.." He smirks.

"I said maybe." And i can feel him putting himself at my entrance.

"Nonononono.." i whimper and try to get away.

He smashes inside off me and i let out a loud moan. Fuck.

Im so fucked..

He puts my legs around his hips and thrusts inside of me.

The pain is too much and i feel myself pass out.

TicciToby x Reader 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें