Ch. 6

792 21 16

Yn pov

I can breath again. I try to suck in the air and open my eyes.

I can hear someone breathing heavely and see 'dad' on top of me. He has a kitchen knife in his hand and looks at me as if he could murder me on the spot.

I remember this.. but i can feel my memory starting to slip.

Fucking Aiden. Ill kill him.

"D-daddy?" He growls and stabs my chest. One time. Two times. I start screaming and crying.

Three times.. my vision goes blurry and I see my dad go down for the forth time. I get a rush of adreneline and kick him in the nuts.

I roll away and feel that i cant stand. He stabbed me too deep. I growl at him and get to my knees. Getting into a fighting stance i grab a piece of an broken chair.

Dad looks at me and comes running towards me with knife in his hand. I roll away at the last momeny to my right, and stab him with the piece of the chair.

He lets out a small scream and looks at me. "You are too weak." He smirks.

I wont waste my air on talking to him. Dad throws the knive at me and the handle hits my head.

I feel myself fall down and close my eyes.

-wakes up 1 day later.-

I look around and feel my chest still hurting. Im.. in an hospital? How did i get here ?

My dad walks in my room and smirks. "Hello little devil. Someone called the cops. So i have saved us some trouble."

Tears start to form in my eyes and i can feel myself giving up. This is it.

"You of course need to talk to the cops too." He sits down on a chair. "So, tell them lies. Otherwise ill  do something to your mother." He stands up and walks away.

I stayed 1 week in the hospital before i could go back to school and home.

I even want school more then being home. I sigh and grab my backpack.

My ripped jeans and oversized blacl hoodie cover my new wound and bruises my dad gave me last night.

Opening the door silently and closing it as silent as i can. If my dad wakes up he'll defenetly murder me.

I walk to school and sit down in the back of the class.

Nobody asks where ive been. Great.

I put in my headphones and stare out the window.

I still hear the girls giggling about something i think, Aiden said.

Someone taps my shoulder and i flinch just a bit. I look over to the one who touched me.

A cute boy, brown hair, brown eyes, to be honest a hoodie i wanna steal and a cute smile. He has a scar on his cheek and i realize ive been staring.

"S-sorry.. what do you want?" I mumble and look down.

"H-hey im T-Toby." He smiles.

"You have a stutter ? Cool, im yn. Nice to meet you." I kind of smile ?

"That b-boy has been st-staring at yo-ou." He looks at Aiden.

"Good for him i guess ? I dont care." I look bored at Aiden and see him smile.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Want a tour of the school today? I wanna skip class and you are a good reason why. Im sorry."

Toby stares at me and burst out in laughter. "Y-yeah sure." He smiles.

"Deal, ill show you around and i get to skip class." I grin and shake his hand.

He smiles at me and i let go of his hand. The bell goes and look up. "We have lunch, wanna come with me or do you have.. friends ?"

"S-sure ill co-ome with you." He smiles and walks with me out the classroom.

He is nice.

I walk to the doors that lead to outside and walk towards the big ass tree.

"Can you climb?" I ask, and see Toby nod. "Follow me." I smile at him and climb up the tree.

Getting in the shadow of the leafes i look at him.

He looks so cute. What the fuck Yn. You only know him for 1 hour. I face palm myself.

"I-its nice." He says and i smile and nod.

"Yeah i come here to escape school. When lunch is over ill show you around." I smile and go sit comfy.

"Hey Yn why you up there ?" Someone asks.

I look down and see Aiden.

"I dont want to be your next slut go away get pussy somewhere else before i do break your nose." I roll my eyes.

"Well just be friends with me. I wanna get to know you and i am waaaaay better company then the newbie." He kinda yells.

"Well the Newbie has a name. His name is Toby, and to be honest i dont wanna be friends with you so can you please leave already." I look at Toby to make sure he is okay.

Toby only smiles at me and looks down.

"Fine, your loss. You'll be comming to be soon enough." He says and walks away.

"I dont think i really will. But okay bye douchebag." I wave at him.


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