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If you want to compliment someone on their achievements, you can say:

Bravo/a – or use the superlative, bravissimo/a – good, well done

Complimenti – congratulations, good job

Ex. Complimenti per il lavoro svolto – congratulations on a job well done

Or if they're saying 'complimenti' to you, and you want to say thanks, you'd say, grazie per i complimenti or simply grazie.

If you want to congratulate someone on their graduation, engagement or getting married, a baby's birth, or similar occasions, you'd use the word congratulazioni – congratulations.

Now on to complimenting someone for their looks and appearance (and you know how much Italians care about their style):

Stai benissimo! Or Come ti sta bene questo vestito – you look great in this outfit

Sei in forma – you look great, literally 'you're in shape'

If you want to tell someone that they look young for their age, you'd say: Porti bene i tuoi anni / Li porti bene or Non dimostri i tuoi anni / Non li dimostri

Sei simpatico/a – or the superlative simpaticissimo/a – this word doesn't have a literal translation in English, the closest meaning is likeable, pleasant to be around.

Sei bella (generic)/ sei bellissima/ sei incantevole – you are beautiful (women)

Sei molto carina – you are very pretty

Sei bello/ sei bellissimo - you are handsome (men)

Other compliments like "sei bellissimo": sei davvero/molto attraente (you are really attractive), è davvero sexy! (he/she is really sexy!)

As for complimenting someone on their cooking, you can say:

Questo piatto è delizioso - this dish is delicious

Che buono or è buonissimo - this is so good!

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