Chapter Two

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A few days have passed since my name was announced as one of the selected and today is the day castle guards will come to my home and pick me up. To say that I'm nervous would be a complete understatement. I could possibly be meeting my future husband tonight, which would really help out my family.

My goal is to stay as long as possible, but I wouldn't be too upset if I didn't end up marrying Shawn. Each week a payment to The Selected's family is made, which would be more than enough to support my family for years. My plan is to make Shawn like me enough to keep me around for a while, but not love me enough to want to marry me.

My bag was packed and ready to go, and I had already said goodbye to my family. I was waiting outside my small home and noticed a wooden horse carriage coming my way.

"Aubrielle Boldon?" one of the guards asked.

"That's me," I mumbled.

The guard looked down at my one bag and chuckled a little bit. He then carried it to the carriage and opened one of the doors, signaling for me to climb inside. Which is what I did.

The journey was not very long and was very silent the entire time. I assume that the guards do not like associating with the lower castes. Once we arrived I noticed all of the other horse carriages that were far more fancy and elegant than the one I rode in. A few were full of diamonds, a few of gold, most of silver, and three were wooden. Clearly this competition wasn't a complete even playing field.

Caroyl, one of the castle servants, gathered all of the selected and explained the rules to us.

"No affairs with anyone, besides Prince Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, will be permitted."

"No change in any of your appearances is to be made. No dying of the hair, no permanent or temporary tattoos, No new piercings, No cutting of the hair without permission, etc."

"All family and friend visits will be supervised."

"You must wear your appointed dress of the day, all day unless instructed otherwise."

"During your free time, you may only reside in the Women's Room or your appointed bedroom, unless instructed otherwise."

"Dinner will take place at six pm sharp, no exceptions."

"You are not to openly bicker or physically fight with any of the other selected girls, this could result in immediate dismissal."

"And finally, I strongly advise you do anything the prince asks, now follow along."

That line caught my attention. What does "anything" mean? The rest of the rules seemed a bit strict but nothing I couldn't handle. Caroyl walked into the castle that I would be living in for God knows how long. We all followed and were mesmerized by the extravagant building.

We were then presented our "maids" that would be helping us throughout our journey here. My two maids were named Marleigh and Malinda. They seemed very sweet and showed me to my room right away.

My room was huge, it was bigger than my entire house. It was mostly white but had pink accents scattered around the room. I had my own bathroom and walk-in closet. After taking it all in, I noticed my dress of the day neatly placed on my king-sized bed.

I put it on and my maids immediately took my previous clothes to get washed. Before Marleigh completely exited my room she let me know there would be a meeting with the prince in five minutes. I sighed, already overwhelmed by everything.

I looked at myself in the mirror and applied a little bit of the makeup that was set out for me on the room's vanity. Once I looked decent, I headed downstairs, unsure of where I was going. On my way there I ran into Blair.

"Aubrielle! Hi!"

"Hi Blair, um do you know where we're uh supposed to go?"

"Oh, of course, follow me," she chirpily responded.

I did just that and we eventually ended up in what seemed to be a living room. There was a huge fireplace and three nice couches surrounding it. The rest of the selected girls were there as well. They all seemed so elegant in their dresses and full faces of makeup.

We all waited in silence, not exactly sure what we were waiting for. About five minutes later I heard a few gasps. I looked up and there he was. I would be lying if I said he wasn't extremely attractive. He was wearing a black suit that suited him very well. His hair was the perfect amount of messy. He approached us and began to speak.

"Hello ladies, I'm Shawn. I hope you have all enjoyed yourselves so far and I hope my home has accommodated you all."

He scanned the room taking in all of our faces and when he stopped at mine, I couldn't help but blush. I noticed a small chuckle he let out and wasn't sure if that was due to my blush.

"I look forward to getting to know all of you and will begin having one on one time with a few of you shortly. Thank you for your time ladies and I will hopefully see a few of you in a little bit."

He smiled to himself and I could tell he was proud of his probably rehearsed short speech. Other than the fact that he was very cute, I couldn't see myself liking anything else about him. He seemed slightly arrogant and was way out of my league. After seeing him and the rest of the girls, I wasn't sure if I would stay for more than a week.


A/N: I know part two wasn't the most interesting but I needed to set up the story a little bit. Should I add more gifs and pictures to the story?

The Selection - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now