Stage 9: Her

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[Name] remembered what the Nekoma captain had said to her when she accidentally let out what she was thinking.

She didn't really want to tell Tetsuro about it, but when the guy saw how sad she looked while glancing at Kei from time to time after their match, he made her spill what occupied her thoughts.

After she let out how she had found out that the guy she liked likes someone and it wasn't her, Tetsuro was quick to ask if she had heard it from Kei herself. When she said no, the Nekoma captain immediately told her that she shouldn't let herself be brought down by it too much. Then, before parting, he told her something she should do.

"You should tease him with a hint of flirting to see how he'd respond."

And so she did. And boy did it surprise her when he did it back. Since then, the two were going back and forth with flirty teasing. Right now though, she was scared that she may have crossed the line.

Kei wasn't really paying attention to her. He was acting rather distant. The look in his eyes was enough to tell her he was thinking about something, but he didn't want to discuss it.

'What could I have possibly done to irritate him?'

The girl could only sigh as she continued eating her lunch. She wanted to ask Tadashi in case he knew something, but she couldn't do that in front of Kei. She had to make it not suspicious. She had to use her phone, secretly. While Kei's head was resting on his table, she whipped out her phone.

To: Tadashi YamYam
From: Miss Tsukki

Tada-kun~ I have something to ask you. Go outside later, but let me go first. Ask the questions later~~

The moment she hit send, she heard a buzz coming from Tadashi's table. The said boy looked at his phone and then towards [Name]. The girl smiled at him before packing up her lunch.

"I need to do something so I'll head out now! Bye Tada-kun! Bye lamppost!"

[Name] made a quick run to her room to place her lunch bag on her table before going to Class 1-5's door, just some steps away from Kei's class.


To: Miss Tsukki
From: Tadashi YamYam

I'm heading out now.

To: Tadashi YamYam
From: Miss Tsukki


It didn't take long for Tadashi to see [Name] standing beside the neighbor classroom.

"What do you need, [Nickname]-chan?" Tadashi asked.

"Not here."

[Name] started to drag Tadashi to the school grounds, making sure that there weren't many students walking around to hear what they were going to talk about.

"You two really love to drag people to this place when you wanna talk about something, huh?" Tadashi said.

"What do you- Never mind. I wanted to ask you something."

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora