Stage 5: Her

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[Name] felt different today. For some reason, she woke up with blinding confidence and told herself that today was the day she gets to do a high-ten with Kei. The girl still didn't have a plan of action but the determination was there so that's a start.

It was the last class before their first break. The girl couldn't wait for the bell to ring and for their teacher to leave. She fiddled with her pen as she stared blankly towards the board. The night before, she did some advanced reading for the class she was currently taking. After walking home with Kei again, she found it difficult to sleep with her thoughts and feelings all over the place. So, she decided to redirect all her attention to reading ahead. It didn't really help as much though. She understood what she read and now she felt bored while the teacher was discussing it. The lesson was slow-paced to help the class understand it more. She knew this was a good teaching technique but due to her reading in advance, she couldn't help but feel like it was too slow. Other than that, she wanted to see Kei again.

The moment the bell rang, [Name]'s eyes lit up. After gathering her belongings, the teacher immediately left the room. [Name] was the second person to leave their class, zooming towards the door as soon as the teacher left.

When she reached the back door of Class 1-4, she peeked her head and called the attention of the tall blond.

"Psst. Salty french fry."

Kei, recognizing the voice, turned to the door nearest to his seat. He raised his eyebrow towards the girl who only had her head and her hands visible from his angle.

"What do you need?"

"Where's Yamaguchi?" [Name] asked, stepping to the side and standing straight.

"He had some errands to do. Why?"

"Nothing. Come here!" The girl beckoned him to come towards her with her left hand.

Kei clicked his tongue before complying to her wishes. Before he could even ask what she wanted, [Name] started dragging him towards the vending machine. She pointed at the box that had her [f/d].

"I want that."

Kei stared at the girl, confused.

"You want me to buy you a box of [f/d]?"

"I mean if you want I'm not stopping you," [Name] said, grinning at the boy.  "But that's not what I brought you here for. Other than the fact that it was fun to drag you, it's also fun to share a drink with a friend."

"You randomly pick today to drag me here and share a drink?"

Kei was more confused than ever with her actions. He couldn't really comprehend the randomness that came with her.

"I found out that they had it here yesterday. After a month of studying here, I only realized now. Aish."

The girl continued to mutter to herself as she started clicking on the buttons and inserting her coins in the machine. When she took out what she bought, she had two boxes of [f/d].

"Hey lamppost, give me your hand," [Name] said, gesturing him to put his hand on her left palm.

"Gee, munchkin. If you wanted to hold my hand you should've told me," Kei teased.

'I don't think I can handle that yet.'

[Name] pouted as a response but still held out her hand. "Gimme. Quick."

The blond sighed before laying his hand on her palm. [Name] then dropped one of the boxes in her right hand before retracting her left.

"What's this for?"

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now