Part Two

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"Is this better, or this one?" Namjoon shows up two long sleeves to Jin. The one is pink and the other is striped black and white.

"I think the pink one is better." Jin pointed at the pink one. Namjoon smiled and rolled his eyes, "Of course you'd pick that." Jin shrugged his shoulders and walked around the shop eyeing sweatshirts they have.

Jin was startled when Namjoon lightly pushed him by his hip. "Want one?" Namjoon asked pertaining to the gray sweatshirt he has his eyes on.
"I'm fine. I like wearing my comfy one." Jin flapped his arms to show off the dirty white sweatshirt that he was wearing.

"Okay." Namjoon smiled and went around again to scan the clothes and find the ones that match his peculiar taste.

When Namjoon was finished, they left the store and both noticed that it's almost night time. Jin has his hand tucked on the pockets of his sweatshirt and looking like he's bummed out. "Want to go for an ice cream before we go home?" Namjoon asked and Jin's face lit up. Namjoon knows exactly what would uplift Jin's mood.

They went to an empty ice cream parlor. Namkoon ordered chocolate flavor and Jin ordered vanilla flavor. They went on the table at the far end of the ice cream parlor and sat beside each other facing the mirrored wall. Namjoon smiled as he saw the flavor Jin had ordered. "Do you literally just eat ice cream in vanilla flavor?"

"Yup." Jin answered and shoved a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth. "You destroyed my first free ice cream before." Jin reminded him.

"That was an accident, okay?" Namjoon explains as he scooped a spoon of ice cream. "You're actually funny though!" Namjoon bursts in laughter. "You literally got so irritated you beat me up, but you felt bad so you brought a crying me home." Jin listened and remained unbothered as he was concentrating on his ice cream.

"People were looking and they thought I was the one who made you cry, so I had to carry you home." Jin shoved another spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

"So you were just obligated. Ouch." Namjoon acted hurt while Jin glared at him, yet smiled to himself. "Though I'm glad I met you back then." Jin stares down on his ice cream and fidgets his spoon on it. "Hadn't I accidentally thrown your ice cream over and cried like a baby, I wouldn't have been able to befriend and love you, hyung." Namjoon flashed a cheeky smile while JIn continued to look down, ears and cheeks slowly turning red as a tomato.

They both went home after finishing their ice cream. Upon entering his house, Jin immediately opened his phone and called his best friend. "Jiminie," Jin utters as soon as Jimin answered the call.

"Yes, hyung?" Jimin answered in a muffled voice.

"Are you busy?"

"No, hyung." He paused for a while and cleared his throat. "I was just eating. Need anything?"

"It's about Namjoon." Jin entered his room and slumped his body on his bed. "He's going on a date, AGAIN." Jin scoffed.

"Uhh- -that seemed ordinary, Hyung." Jimin munches and continues. "Unless you'll be his date- -OOPS!" Jimin laughed on the other line.

Jin rolled his eyes and hugged the pillow beside him. "I hate you."

"No, you love me so much,"

"I don't,"

"Oh, I forgot." Jimin gulps. "You love Namjoon Hyun- -OOPS AGAIN!" Jimin once again laughed, teasing Jin even more.

"Jerk." Jin uttered.

They teased and laughed at each other for more than half an hour before they got a little serious, and started discussing a sensitive subject. "What's the big problem about Namjoon Hyung going on a usual date anyway, hyung?" Jimin asked.

"I don't want him to go." Jin honestly answered.

"Then tell him, and confess your feelings." Jimin suggested. "Hyung, you've accepted and hid it for four years now."

"No, I'd never do that." Jin denies. "I'd never ruin our friendship like that."

Jimin sighed and honestly felt even more concerned with Jin's unrequited love. "Hyung, I can see how Namjoon Hyung looks at you. How he constantly bugs you when you won't pay attention to him." Jimin remembers how sweet and cuddly Namjoon acts around Jin. "I doubt you two or can I say HE only love you PLATONICALLY,"

Jin ponders on that. He wanted to believe that Namjoon could possibly reciprocate his feelings for him, but everytime that they're together, he feels as though Namjoon sincerely loves him only as a friend and nothing more. "Because he does, Jimin. He only deals with beautiful and cute girls." Jin looks out his window. "He also has no plans of getting into a serious relationship because of that arranged marriage thing in his family."

"Maybe you can put an end to that arranged marriage thingy running in their lame household." Jimin scoffed.

"Jimin." Jin utters in a warning tone.

"I'm sorry hyung. It's just that, who does arranged marriage in our time today?" Jimin asked.

"Rich people do, Jimin, and his father is fucking rich." Jin bitterly informs him.

"You're hurting yourself." Jimin reminds him.

They both sighed. "Thinking of asking him to not go to that date is really stupid. I guess I'll just suck it up." Jin sat up from his bed. "Have to go Jimin, I need to finish my requirements. I still prioritize graduating than him."

"You'll graduate, you have three fourths of Namjoon's IQ." Jimin bluffs.

"Don't exaggerate. Talk to you later."

Someone from the other line started talking from afar. "You're a coward." he shouted. "That was Yoongi." Jimin informed Jin.

"Kindly remind him of that day he stuttered and almost peed his pants when he was confessing his feeling for you." Jin laughed loudly before ending the call.

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