The Train

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Quick warning, I wrote this as my first fanfic and I really don't like it, i literally don't ship dramione anymore, #drarrylife, anyway if you wanna read something really good check out my drarry story called letters from him. If you wanna read this though, feel free!

Chapter One

Platform nine and three quarters was as busy as always, young witches and wizards stood in groups saying goodbye to their family and greeting their friends.

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny stood holding onto the trolleys that carried their trunks while Mrs Weasley bustled around them checking that they hadn't forgotten anything.

"I can't believe this is our last year," Hermione said voicing a thought they all shared.

"It feels weird to be back here" Harry added, a twinge of pain showing in his voice. He felt Ginny squeeze his hand comforting him as the memories of the war came flooding back.

After the great battle, all the students had been offered the opportunity to return to Hogwarts and finish their schooling. All four of them had jumped at the opportunity and immediately said yes.

They were all, except Ginny who was a year younger than the others, entering their eighth and final year at the magical school they called home.

The train's whistle broke the melancholy silence between the four students. "Come on now the trains about to leave," Mrs Weasley said hugging each of them tightly "Quick, quick" she ordered and they all started towards the train doors.

After heaving their heavy luggage into the train they turned and waved their goodbyes to Mrs Weasley.


The four of them were now settled into an empty compartment and were deep in conversation.

"Who else do you think is going to be back at school?" Ginny asked, settling down, a chocolate frog in hand.

"Well I know that Neville is" Hermione answered thoughtfully. "and maybe Luna, but I'm not really sure who else"

"Dean and Seamus are," Harry offered.

"I just really hope Malfoy isn't on this train or-" Ron started but before he could finish the compartment doors swung open and Draco Malloy stood in the doorway his usual smirk positioned on his pale face.

"Bloody hell" Ron muttered quietly.

They all looked up glaring but Harry was the first to speak, "What do you want Malfoy"

"I was just checking who was on the train, but no surprise seeing you here Potter as you don't really have any other place to go" Malfoy responded his soft voice, lilted with cruelty.

Pansy and Blaise stood behind him sniggering.

Harry gripped his wand tighter as he fought the urge to hex Malfoy.

"Harry has a home with us you wanker," Ron spat, his ever growing hatred towards Malfoy staining the words.

Malfoy turned his attention to Ron "Ahh Weaslebee" He grinned, looking him up and down in disgust.

"Well I see that your fat old mother is taking in more kids when she can't even buy you new robes" Malfoy retorted calmly.

At this, Ginny stood up, her face as red as her hair and she walked towards Malfoy with her wand pointed right at his chest "Don't you dare" she snarled "ever talk about my Mother like that again"

"Well if it isn't Potters little girlfriend," Malfoy said seemingly unfazed by the wand at his chest.

Ginny blushed slightly but held her ground and continued, "Get out of here right now you foul git" She fixed him a meaningful glare and with that Malfoy turned and walked down the corridor, Blaise and Pansy following.


The train had arrived at Hogwarts shortly after their not so friendly encounter with Malfoy, which they forgot about almost immediately the excitement of being back kicked in.

They hurried off the train to find a spare carriage. "Hermione, Harry" Neville called enthusiastically from nearby.

He was sitting with Luna and beckoned the group to join them. They all climbed into the carriage finally reunited with their old friends.

"So how have you guys been," Hermione asked Neville and Luna.

"Great" Neville responded, "But did you see Malfoy on the train, I can't belive he even had the guts to come back."

Ron grimaced at the sound of Malfoy's name and Hermione tried to hide a laugh. She turned to Luna, and began asking about the others summer.

As they entered the Great Hall heads turned to look at the 'Golden trio'. Hermione tried to ignore the stares as she sat down at the Gryffindor table, that was until she noticed Malfoys grey eyes watching her like prey and Pansy muttered to her friends throwing her occasional looks her way.

When he noticed her looking back at him he yelled across the hall "Can't get enough attention can you," Hermione glared at him and noticed Ginny was about to yell something back but before she had the chance Professor McGonagall stood up to speak.

She had taken over as Headmaster after the war, slotting pristinely into the role that had for years belonged to Albus. 

She gave the usual welcome speech and then the first years were sorted into the four houses.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, they ate as much food as they could and headed off to their dormitories with tired eyes and full stomachs.

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