Chapter Nine - A Black Christmas Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I wasn't the secret keeper." He said darkly and his fists clenched. "We knew everyone would suspect me because of how close James and I were so I convinced him to use Peter instead. He's the one who betrayed us, he'd been sending secrets back to his master and when I confronted him he made it seem like I was trying to attack him after giving up the Potters whereabouts and he blew up the street as a cover for him to escape." Halley didn't know what to say but it made sense and the tiny part of her that was momentarily doubtful disappeared forever. She was right, he was innocent and boy did it feel good to hear.

"So what are you doing here? Why try to get into the tower if you're not after Harry."

"Because Peter is hiding in the tower, disguised as the pet rat of Harry's friend Ron. He's an unregistered Animagus like I am, you saw my form when I was the dog, and Peter's is the rat..."

Halley groaned and hit herself in the forehead, "The map, that's where I'd seen his name before, I've seen him on the map." She mumbled and thought angrily about how many times she'd been near that rat, how easy it would have been to grab him, but Scabbers hadn't been seen in ages, not since Ron accused Crookshanks of killing him. "We need that rat, with him we can prove your innocence."

"I don't want you getting involved Hal, Pettigrew is dangerous if he thinks you're after him who knows what he might do. Please just let me handle it." Sirius begged and Halley could only nod, she'd never seen fear like that on anyone, fear of losing his daughter, his last connection to his wife.

"Alright, but I'll keep sending you food and drink when I can, and I'll just keep an eye out for the rat so at least one of us knows his movements." Halley got up and stretched her cold limbs. "I should get to bed, I don't want anyone to notice I'm gone. Thank you for the present." Sirius stood as well, holding the blanket over himself then hugged her one last time.

"Stay out of trouble." He smiled knowingly.

"No promises, I love you, dad." Halley swallowed the lump in her throat and wrapped her arms around herself, the coat her Gran had given her was really very warm.

"I love you too, kiddo." And the two parted ways again, Halley found it increasingly difficult to say goodbye after their little meetings, constantly worrying whether it would be their last, but she couldn't think like that. All of this new information gave her hope and no one was going to take that away.


It was Christmas morning and for once, Halley didn't need someone to wake her up. She'd hardly slept after her conversation with Sirius, her mind running wild with all sorts of visions of the future, one that they'd share.
She was the first one awake in the living room, still in her pyjamas of course, playing with the rings around her neck. Halley's first thought when she got back to the dorm was to tell Harry everything... but then she realised that she couldn't tell him without revealing Sirius' whereabouts or that she'd been speaking to him. As much as she wanted Harry to know to the truth it just wasn't the right time, she had no proof plus she'd be endangering her father if anyone else found out. No this would have to stay between the Blacks for now...

"Did you go to bed at all?" Fred asked, rubbing his eyes as he and George made their way into the common room.

Halley slipped the rings back under her top then smiled over at the twins. "I did, I guess the Christmas excitement was just too much for me to stay in bed. Merry Christmas you two." She wrapped and arms around their shoulders when they sat down either side of her and hugged her back.

"Merry Christmas, Hal." They said happily and looked over at the presents under the tree in the corner. "We should really wait for the others..." Fred said unconvincingly as he eyed the gifts.

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