Chapter Three - Detentions And Defence

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Black, Jordan and the two Weasleys stood out in the courtyard huddled, along with a handful of other people, around a group of third years who were explaining what had happened in their DADA class. The news of Professor Snape in Grandma Longbottom's clothing spread like wildfire and had given everyone a good laugh trying to picture it. While the students were busy explaining the story over and over again for each newcomer, Hal heard one young witch whisper to her friend briefly. "Shouldn't someone say something? I mean a teacher really shouldn't be a student's deepest darkest fear." This made Halley frown a little, everyone knew Snape was a miserable git but for someone to actually be afraid of him...

"Oh I wish we could have seen it or had someone take a picture, that's just priceless." An older Hufflepuff boy said wiping away a fake tear as others nodded in agreement. Halley caught Fred's eye and gave him a wide grin. "I'm sure we can arrange that, I'll need the best description of the clothing and for everyone to stand back." The dark-haired witch spoke loudly and cracked her knuckles before slowly morphing into Professor Snape, everything from his oily hair to his black robes. The group found it jolly funny to see their Professor standing in the middle of them with a strange smile on his face that looked so foreign. Everyone began explaining the clothing and it took a few minutes but Halley had a good image in her head, she concentrated hard and changed what she was wearing into roughly what the third years had seen in class. "So how do I look?" She gave everyone a twirl and scowled in the typical Snape fashion. The whole group burst out laughing, George had to hold Fred up he was laughing so hard and Lee was crying into someone's shoulder as Halley pulled different poses.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS." A voice yelled behind them and every face turned white. Most scattered to the far corners of the castle but the three Gryffindor boys weren't about to abandon their partner in crime. Halley turned back into herself and pivoted on the spot, coming face to face with the one person she didn't want to see.

Snape was livid if he wasn't so worried about getting into trouble himself he'd have hexed them all into the next century. "HOW DARE YOU MOCK A TEACHER. 50 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR AND TWO WEEKS DETENTION FOR ALL FOUR OF YOU!" He seethed and stalked off across the courtyard, mowing down anyone foolish enough to get in his way.

Halley didn't know if she could breathe anymore, she'd held her breath while Snape yelled. "Merlin's pants I thought he was actually going to kill me." She breathed out quickly and covered her face with her hands and let out a shaky laugh, turning to look at her friends. "I'm sorry you got detention because of me." She felt very guilty if only they'd scattered with the rest of the group.

"Are you kidding? Seeing Snape in that outfit plus seeing his reaction was priceless, totally worth the detention." George said slinging an arm around Hal's shoulders bringing her close. The other two nodded in agreement and did everything they could to cheer their friend up.

"At least we get to serve detention together." Fred piped up with a cheeky grin.

The news of the incident spread just as fast as the first bit of news did. Everyone was quietly coming up to Halley and saying things like 'wish I could have seen it' or 'good job sticking it to the slimy git'.

However, not all the attention was good. Minerva requested to see her in her office later that day. she'd never seen the woman so angry in her life and she did feel immensely guilty for disappointing her. At least she didn't punish her granddaughter further, figuring two weeks detention with Snape was punishment enough. Things were decidedly frosty in Transfiguration, everyone could see that their Professor was not as happy with the incident as they were, she blatantly ignored her granddaughter in class, even when she had her hand up to give an answer. This put Halley in a terrible mood. She'd never gone so long without talking to her Gran, and she missed the woman's smile when she'd get something right in class.

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