Chapter Two - Mango Musings

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As promised, Halley left the girls compartment shortly before they were due to arrive, changed into her new robes since she'd outgrown her old ones, then went back to see the troublemakers.
Lee was snoring quietly in the corner with his face smooshed against the window, while Fred and George were playing a round of Exploding Snap, before she could get a single word out, the deck exploded in their faces, causing Lee to slide off his seat and Halley to jump back into the hallway, waving her hand in front of her face to clear the smoke. As the air became breathable again, Hal felt two pairs of hands pull her back into the compartment then felt her arms being pinned to her side as she was engulfed by two tall bodies either side of her.

"We missed you,"

"You're never allowed to leave us again." Fred and George said grinning down at their shorter friend, then let her go so she could sit back down in her usual spot. The four friends chatted for the remainder of the journey then made their way over to the magical carriages which would take them up to the school.

The Great Hall was just as lively as ever. Students chatted to their friends, exchanging stories about their summer holidays, some spoke about the weird event on the train while others seemed to stare hungrily at the table, eager for the feast to begin. Hal was one of the latter, she hadn't eaten much on the train, as usual, and then regretted it the second she was sat at the Gryffindor table waiting for the sorting to be over so everyone could eat.

"We go through this every year, you would think she'd have learnt by now," Lee said shaking his head as Hal's eyes glossed over while she focused on not eating her hand.

"It's Hal we're talking about here, she loves her food just as much as Ron, but not while she travels because it makes her sick," Fred said smiling sideways at Halley who was sitting on his left while George occupied the seat to his right. George and Lee just exchanged knowing glances but decided to not tease him within earshot of Halley, she always got so defensive about crushes and didn't like to be told what she was feeling. I know perfectly well what I'm feeling thank you. She'd always say as a retort, eventually, the three learnt to not pester her about those things which was just fine because it gave them more time to plan pranks.

The sorting went by quickly and the usual social buzzing died down as Dumbledore stood to address the hall. "Welcome!" Came his strong but kind voice, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it over and done with before you all become befuddled by our excellent feast..." Hal saw a few people frowning and whispering to their neighbours, curious as to what could be so bad. "As I hope you will all be aware by now, our school will be playing host to some Dementors from Azkaban who are here on Ministry business." Dumbledore didn't look pleased with his statement but carried on none the less. "They are stationed at every entrance of the grounds, and while they are with us, I must make it plainly clear that nobody is to leave school without permission." He lowered his head slightly and made eye contact with the entire room. "It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be understanding or kind." He continued his speech about how the Prefects and the Head Boy and Girl would be in charge of making sure no one broke the rules and Fred nudged Hal in her side, tilting his head in the direction of Percy who was polishing his badge for the billionth time, which made the dark-haired girl snort quietly into her hand.

"On a happier note, I am pleased to welcome Professor R.J Lupin who has kindly agreed to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." A quiet and halfhearted round of applause broke out, but Halley could see a handful of the younger Gryffindors clapping harder than anyone else. The shabby-looking man smiled at the Headmaster then looked back at the Gryffindor table, specifically at the dark-haired witch who currently wasn't paying attention to anything the old wizard was saying. Just like her father. Remus thought with a small internal laugh. He also glanced at a blonde haired girl who shot him a thumbs up with an encouraging smile. This was going to be a good year. He thought then returned his attention to Dumbledore.

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