Chapter 12

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Chris p.o.v.

Sevyn and I were watching the television. She turned on E!NewsI laughed then 2 people came onto the screen. "Bill, Reporter's has took pictures of Chris Brown and deceased Blessing Haughton's daughter Aaliyah Haughton-Brown and Christina Millian and Lil Wayne's daughter Kayla Carter were broken apart by security guards from a fight!" "Wow, Blessing has been a good girl now look at her! I'm just disappointed!" "Well that's what she gets for hanging out with a bad girl Kayla has been in jail more times then fights!" "Back to you Gia!" I turned the television off and looked at Sevyn who looked at me.

I grabbed my phone and angrily called Nicki while going upstairs!

                Phone convo

Chris: Nicki! What the fuck!

Nicki: What Chris!

Chris:You got my damn daughter out here fighting and shit!

Nicki:Chris who the fuck you yelling at!

Chris: Yo hoe ass bitch! They out her calling my daughter names and she could be here at home!

Nicki: Boy bye! Ain't my fault yo ass hit her and she came running to me unlike you Drake treats her better then you do! I know  Aaliyah looking down shaking her head! *hangs up*

                Phone Convo Over

This bitch! I went downstairs and grabbed my keys "I be right back!" I yelled to Sevyn and drove to Nicki's house!

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