Chapter 1

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Hiyah! I'm Blessing Marie Haughton -Brown, I'm Aaliyah Haughton and Chris Brown 's daughter I was named Blessing because, 2 days after my mom had me, she had to go to the Bahamas to do ROCK THE BOAT video and I still hadn't had a name so my dad named me that cause I am a Blessing . I REALLY miss her even though I don't really know what she looked like.

Birthday: January 1

How old are you: 15

Favorite Colour: Orange

Favorite food: Tacos and pickles

Favorite Singer/Band: Fifth Harmony/Aaliyah/ 5sos

Favorite T.V.: Spongebob Squarepants

Favorite Movie: Madea's Neighbors From Hell!

Famous Crush: Prodigy From Mindless Behavior,

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