
"She did try to change her life around and we've all been there to see it. The power you have over that woman is mind-blowing. Do you know how special you have to be to make someone like Raye willingly step away from such an exhilarating life?"

Brienna stares quietly at her sister before nodding. She knew Raye loved her but sometimes she still had a little doubt every once in a while.

"None of us ever questions your choice of being with her because we get why. Which is why I can say that it'll get better, this whole thing. Nothing lasts forever,"

"Well, I can't wait," Brienna states and gets up from the table. Her sister did the same and before she knew it, she pulls her into a hug.

"I never thought I'd be the one saying this, but don't worry, it'll all be over soon. I have faith that Luca and Raye knows exactly how to handle this,"

"I have faith too," Brie says, inhaling the fruity scent of her sister's shampoo.
Quietly they pull apart. Cassie's brown eyes shone as a fraction of a smile surfaced on her face. "I know you have work to head back to tomorrow, so mom and I will check on her for you,".


As they were heading to the front door, they passed Jon along the way and he bid Brie goodbye.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about the whole thing with Raye. I hope she gets better soon and if you guys ever want I can check up on her during the days you'll be working."

"Thanks so much,"

"You're welcome. Take it easy," he said and she nods before going to the door.

"Be careful out there,"

"I will."

Brienna heads down to Luca who was interacting with one of the guys she'd recognized seeing once or twice. When the two saw her, their conversation ends and Luca climbs into his car.
"Is your sister doing okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine," she said fixing the seatbelt across her torso.

"Well, that's good. Is there anywhere else I can take you?"

"No, home's fine."

Luca nods and, focused on his driving after that. In the quiet space of the car, Brienna lets her mind wander only to end up thinking about Raye. She caught herself grinning as she stared out the window. There was no one in the world alive who could've told her that Raye would do such a thing after waking up. It only goes to show that it was on the girl's mind for quite a while. How long the thought had been there, Brienna caught herself questioning.

Once they arrive at her apartment, Raye's car was parked in the street. Luca explains that it was what Raye instructed and that she was to use the vehicle until Raye had been discharged from the hospital and would be able to take her to and from places again. Though there were dozens of fellas who were capable, Brie was often too stubborn to let them.

* * *

She picks up her cell phone quickly, after having run out of the shower. Her wet hair clung to her face, blocking her vision and she pushes frantically to get it away. With her towel wrapped around her, water droplets fell from her body and onto the floor.
"Mia, hey," she answers after noting who it was from the caller's ID

"Girl, I heard about Raye, thank God!" Mia says, causing Brie to grin.

"I know I'm so relieved right now." She says placing her free hand to her damp chest. "What's up with you though?"

"Not much really,"

Almost immediately she heard a change in her friend's tone and she grimaced, her thoughts running off with all sort of scenarios.
"Well, what's wrong?"

"It's Ava," the girl on the other end of the line confides. "Since our last conversation a week ago, she hasn't called or texted me back and I'm worried."

"We did come to the conclusion that she needed time to process this Mia, maybe she's still not certain on what to do."

"I get that but ignoring me too, what's that going to do? I just want to talk to her."

"Alright, okay I understand. I'll check up on her, let her know you're worried."

"Thank you. Apparently, she'll only talk to you."

"Did the discussion end that badly between you guys?"

"No, but something's off about her and it's scary."

"I promise I'll talk to her," Brie responds.

"Good. Now more about Raye. What did the doctors say?"

Brienna spent about fifteen minutes conversing on the phone with Mia about Raye's condition and Ava, that her hair and body had started to dry out on its own. After a while though, she gets off the phone only for there to be a knock at the front door. She wasn't surprised at all because ever since Raye being in the hospital she was paid visits by a lot of people, including some of the guys.

Opening the door she is greeted with a rather new face to the list and one she wasn't expecting. "Hey," Keith said, a rather worrisome look on his face and Brie arched a brow.

"Keith, hi. What are you doing here?"

She questions eyeing the fella. He was standing there with a bit of a rough expression to his face but his eyes revealed his true state.

"I know it's unexpected and all but I was wondering if you knew where Ava was by any chance, she hasn't come home since that night at the party,"

"What?" Brie questions, trying to gather what exactly was going on. The last time she spoke to Ava was just yesterday and the girl didn't indicate that anything was wrong or that she was avoiding anyone.

"What happened between you two?"

"Nothing. Ava hasn't returned any of my calls or texts, so I figured she was here with you. By the way, I heard what happened to your girlfriend— I'm really sorry."

"Thank you. You can come in if you want." Brie says, allowing him into her apartment and then locking the door behind them.
What in the world was going on between those three she caught herself asking.

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