Chapter 5: The Awkward Meeting

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Lexi was running towards the shore while she tried to set her camera in time for sunset when she suddenly bumped onto something...No! Onto someone! Because of surprise and the unexpected impact, they both fell down where the water touches the shore.

She ended up lying under a well-built young man who's about her age. This half-naked stranger managed to push himself up by balancing both of his arms on each side of Lexi's head so as not to literally fall on top of her. 

He carefully scrutinized the golden specks of her light brown iris, her fairly long, beautiful lashes, silky white complexion, a chisel-fine nose and a slightly pouty red lips. He was fully staring at this beautiful mermaid's face while she laid on the shore.

"Uhhhh...Mmmmm...E-Excuse me but I think this is inappropriate!" Lexi blurted out as she scrambled to get up.

"Oh sure it is! Next time, try to pay attention to where you're heading, Miss." Cole, who seemingly broke off from a spell tried to lend a hand to Lexi but the latter lost balance once more, sending her back on the ground. This time though, she felt her world spin 360 degrees. She's loosing consciousness. She tried to get up for the last time but she felt so weak until she finally gave in to the darkness that enveloped her.

Cole picked Lexi up and held her in his arms. At one point, he thought that she was still playing tricks on him. He stared at her beautiful face again but began to worry when he noticed how she slowly became paler than usual. 

After realizing how serious the situation was, he radioed home and asked assistance from their security who suddenly rushed to the scene with first aid kit on hand.

"S-She fainted! I don't have any idea who this girl is. S-She was..." he was trying to keep his composure but horror can easily be detected from his voice.

"She is your Uncle Mike's daughter. They arrived this afternoon." the security said.

"L-Lexi? Gosh! Is she OK? Ugh! How stupid of me! Of course she's not OK-OK!" Cole was doing the monologue out of nervousness.

The security personnel his father hired knows how to perform first aid and CPR for emergencies like this and from what he noticed, Lexi's heart beat is not normal. He didn't know though if it is due to her fainting or what but it is unusually faster.

The rest of the Edwards and Towers finally came down to the beach to see how Lexi's doing. She was still unconscious and was being carried by Cole and the security back to their villa. Cole secured Lexi's arms around his neck for support while the lower half of her body was being carried by the security. They brought to her to the room.

Mrs. Towers walked them both to the door as soon as her daughter was tucked. "Thank you Cole and...?!" She turned to the  security with a puzzled look on her face. He responded with "Rey. Your very much welcome missus!"

Lexi requested for a warm glass of milk and cookies to be brought inside her room for dinner as soon as she regained consciousness. She couldn't understand it but lately she feels that she easily gets tired, and that she was actually loosing weight without even trying! Realizing that she wasn't able to really know the results of her laboratory, she felt a sudden sharp pain in her being. 

"Could I be seriously sick?"

"Is that why my father looked troubled at the hospital?" 

"Am I gonna die?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If she is sick, then she would have to know! And she the morning.

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