XLVII. Last Chance

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     "This is an elixir i acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It posses mystical properties of resuscitation." 

     "So we'll be dead, and then we won't?" Elena asks with a small smile, she'll be dead and then she won't, I'll just be dead. 

    "That's your plan?" Damon scoffs, glaring at Elijah. "A magical with potion with no expiration date? You guys want to come back to life, what about John and Jeremy's rings?" 

      "Those rings only work on humans." Elijah states, "The doppelganger's a supernatural occurrence. Odds are, the rings won't work." 

      "I'll take those odds over your elixir." He glares, I can feel Damon's eyes on me and i look over, his eyes softening. "Alina, what if this doesn't work?" 

     "Then it doesn't work." I shrug, i take a shaky breath. Damon makes a noise of disbelief, he shakes his head, walking out of the room. Elena sighs, looking up to me, "Do we know if Klaus has what he needs to do this? Does he even have a werewolf?" 

      "Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. if he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will." He frowns, looking at me. I nod slowly, looking over to Elena. 


      I run my hand over the Elixir bottle and Elijah sighs, "Having second thoughts?" He asks quietly. I jump slightly, looking up at him. 

     I purse my lips, shaking my head. "Nope, why would i?" I ask, clearing my throat. 

      "Your boyfriend's angry with you." Elijah comments. 

"He'll get over it." I shrug, "He doesn't get why i have to do this, which is why we can't tell him." I state.

    Elijah stares at me for a second before frowning. "Why won't he?" 

       "He and Stefan haven't always had a good relationship, but they have forever to fix it." I smile, "Elena and I, we've fought over happiness since we were kids, and Elena has done so much good, she deserves to have an actual chance at happiness." I shrug, "Klaus is here because he wants us, and he's going to hurt more people, Stefan, Damon, and Elena can't be part of that." 

     "There's a possibility the Elixir won't work." Elijah tells me. 

      "But she has a higher chance than i do. And that's good enough."  I jump when i hear a door slam, frowning. 

    "Get out!" I hear Jenna shout, i frown, rushing out of the room. 

     "Jenna, Jenna!" It's Ric. 

"Get out!" I appear in the hall to see her with a crossbow in hand. 

     "Jenna, put the cross-bow down, okay? It's me." Alaric assures. 

    "Stay away from me." 

 Stefan and Elena walk into the hall, frowning, "What's going on?" Elena asks, looking between Jenna and Alaric. I look over to see Damon and take a deep breath.

      "It's me, Elena, i swear okay? He let me go. Klaus let me go." 

     "Prove it," Damon demands. 

"Okay, uh, the first night you and i spent together, Jeremy walked in right when i was about to-" 

    Jenna and i both let out a noise, telling him to shut up. "Okay! It's him." Jenna nods. Jenna lowers the crossbow, I look over to Ric confused, frowning.

     "Why did he let you go?" I ask, tilting my head. 

"He wanted me to deliver a message." We all look at each other, i don't have a good feeling about this. "The sacrifice happens tonight." Everyone looks between Elena and i and i look back to Elijah. I move through everyone, moving back into the library. 

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