Duncan: Portal 3 wont be released idiot

Gerald: Shut up SIMP

Duncan: Who are you calling a SIMP i never even made a twitter account

Gerald: You have other social media accounts other than twitter idiot

Duncan: So? i never use them

Defender: Alright thats enough jeez its like 12 in the afternoon and you are all fighting already

John: How the fuck do you know time

Defender: Author said it to me

(The shipboys covered Defender's mouth)

Gerald in whisper: YOU IDIOT, Dont say it out loud

Duncan: Do you want us to reveal that we are actually in a stupid story book that Author made

Author: You seem to have a point

(John said nothing cause author couldn't think of what he will say)

John: Thanks author Thanks....

(Enough 4th walls, The Shipgirls that saved Shipboys decided to leave and rest while Enterprise and the others approached the Shipboys)

Enterprise: So uh since you're all Gerald's friends we wouldn't Mind you all staying here

John: Nah we will stay here

Jose: Same with John we'll stay here

Duncan: I Agree right big brother

Unicorn: Big brother? (I WANT BIG BROTHER)

Defender: Yep

Enterprise: Mind telling us your names?

John: CVN-79 John F. Kennedy At your service

Jose: FF-150 Jose Rizal I like books...

Duncan: My name is Duncan D37

Defender: My name is Defender D36 and the big brother of Duncan

Enterprise: My name is Enterprise

(Points to unicorn)

Enterprise: She is unicorn our only carrier repair ship

Unicorn: Ah! *blushes* please to meet you!

Illustrious: My name is Illustrious an aircraft carrier hope we get along

Duke: Im Duke of York a Battleship, How does your blood tastes

(The shipboys were kinda frightened about that last sentence)

John: It tastes like mosquitos

Jose: Thats a lie

John: It is not remember that one time we went on a Vietnam trip to a forest and you got Malaria out of that

Duncan: Forgot about that time but he litterally had the balls to tease the disease hey man mad respect for it

Jose: Just cause i had malaria doesnt mean my blood tastes like mosquitos

Duke: We will see about that... (*Giggles*)

Duncan: i forgot i was hungry uhh goodbye

(Duncan Collapses)

Enterprise: WHAT HAPPENED why did he suddently collapse

Defender: Oh its cause we are too late

Illustrious: Too late?... dont tell me...

Jose: Nah dont worry he did not die he can saturate himself but the price is his consciousness

Enterprise: So he can be fed without eating anything

Gerald: Exactly but like Jose said his price is his consciousness

Enterprise: Oh

(As everyone was talking Unicorn tugged Defender's pants meaning she is asking something)

Defender: Hey? What do you want little one? (Pats unicorn's head)

Unicorn: Um... can you be my... B-big brother?

Defender: OH uh i... uh... sure why not

Unicorn: Can... Mr Duncan be my brother aswell?

Defender: Sure why not

(Defender casually whispers at Illustrious)

Defender: hey... why does unicorn want to be a part of my family?

Illustrious in whisper: Well she is the only part of her class infact she is unique as she is the only as in only ship in the entire existing factions to be a carrier repair ship

Defender in whisper: And whats the problem with that?

Illustrious: Well she feels only about it and thats why she appoints me to become her big sister and you and Duncan and Gerald her brothers so please play along we wouldn't want Unicorn to be sad

Defender: Who says i wont play along of course i would

Illustrious: I thank you for that it really makes me happy when i see Unicorn happy as well thats atleast i could make up for her

Defender: Nah dont worry i know its lonely to not have a family so why not make your true friends your family thats what unicorn wants right?

Illustrious: Yes and thank you for understanding

Defender: Its no worries

Chapter 12 End

Author: Ah im so lazy good thing i finished this chapter

Gerald: Yeah and uh why not give the readers a spoiler?

Author: Sure, ok so basically the next chapter would take place a day after Chapter 12

Gerald: Thats it?

Author: What you want me to do already plan a chapter after finishing this

Gerald: isnt that what most authors do

Author: Your right but eh im different i start planning it when i start making chapters

Gerald: Ok i guess....

The Lost Carrier (USS Gerald Ford X Azur Lane) (Dropped)Where stories live. Discover now