Bruce | You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry

Start from the beginning

By the time they'd gotten you into the alley, you'd punched and kicked quite a few of them in the head and in the shin. They were stupid with how they held you. Had they not held you up so high, you wouldn't have been able to reach some of their heads.

You hit one and he fell to the floor the others helped him up, forgetting about you for a second. You ran then realised that you were cornered. They hadn't forgotten about you. They knew you couldn't go anywhere. Dead end.

Suddenly you were in the centre of a lopsided circle, their shadows casted upon you.

"Help me!" you screamed as they inched forward. The moment one laid a hand on you, the rest of them seemed to as well. Tears played with your vision as you tried to stop them. They were relentless.

You could feel a hand on your inner thigh, getting closer to somewhere you never wanted that hand to go. You kicked him and he doubled over, only for you to be pushed against the wall by another. They all stunk of alcohol and the ones that were sober looked like they were on drugs. Their breaths reeked and you found yourself cringing and the smell.

You screamed out again; "Help me! Please! Someone - " A hand covered your mouth.

Just as they'd blocked out your vision by their scramble against one another to get to you, you heard something you were so grateful for.

"Leave the girl alone."

They all began to laugh and howl as they turned to see the man from the cafe there.

"Oh yeah?" one of them taunted. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

The man sighed. "You won't like me when I'm angry."

The monsters holding you hostage laughed, mimicking him. "You won't like me when I'm angry!" one of them laughed, walking right up to the man from the cafe and spitting on his shoes.

"Don't test me," the man said. "I'll let you all go if you let her go. There doesn't need to be any violence."

The group sneered at him. One of the monsters grabbed you by the hair before pushing himself on you, kissing you. You tried to fight him but it was no use. A primal roar came out of no where.

They all stopped.

They turned.

You looked.

A green monster and saviour stood there, towering over all of them and especially over you. His fists were clenched, his brows furrowed, his eyes pin pointed on the man that had you in his grip.

You gasped as your jaw dropped. Their jaws also dropped.

"R-Run!" your main captor screamed, letting go and trying to flee before he was picked up and flung. You could hear the man land. The others began to scramble. He picked a few up, smashing them together. They would definitely bruise tomorrow.

The remaining few he threw like the first. You heard a few windows shatter.

You stared at the green mass in front of you. Somehow, you felt safe yet scared at same time.

Slowly it began to shrink back into a person trying to cover their junk. He grabbed his shorts off the ground, put them and walked over to you. You wanted to shrink back. You'd seen what he'd done to those men. Imagine what he could do to you.

You cowered but he crouched down. "Are you alright?" he asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.

You whimpered and he took a step back. "Hey," he said, his voice soft. "You're ok... I won't hurt you..."

You looked up. His face had softened. It no longer scared you.

He slowly moved to you and picked you up bridal style. You shoo too much to walk.

He held you effortlessly as he walked out of the street and onto a main one. You hadn't realised, but you were still crying.

He took you to your apartment. "H-How do you know where I live?"

"I've seen you around," he admitted. "Where's your key?"

You took it out of your pocket and gave it to him. He unlocked the door and carried you in, putting you on your couch. He sat with you. "Are you alright?"

You were still shaking. You nodded regardless. You weren't sure if you were scared of him, or of what had just unfolded. Maybe a bit of both.

He put a blanket over you. "Where's your kitchen?"

You couldn't speak so you pointed. He got up and left before coming back with a glass of water for you. You sipped it. "T-Thank you," you said.

He nodded. "It's alright..." He sat with you until midnight and you didn't say a word. You weren't sure what to say to him. You didn't have the courage to speak.

"I should go now..." he suddenly said.

He was about to leave when you clutched onto the bottom of his shirt. "Please don't go," you whispered.


Disclaimer: not trying to make people think that going into dark streets and alley ways and getting sexually assaulted is good. Just romanticising it (kind of) for the sake of fiction.

Also, do you think this needs a part 2?

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