Part 3 - Flames

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Dipper stared out the window, frozen, as the creatures outside converged on the Mystery Shack.

He could hear faint sounds around him, sense movement, but everything muffled. Far away.

    Suddenly, something huge and dark appeared outside the window, growing larger and more defined as it crashed toward the shack. A massive chunk of stone.

Dipper stared, body shaking slightly. He'd failed, he really had. This was it. The end.

Something tackled him to the ground, covering him. Soft blonde hair fell across his face as he lay sideways beneath the person.

    The boulder came crashing into the shack, punching through the window, hurtling just inches over Dipper and pulverizing the wall behind.

Dipper rolled to his back, staring up at Pacifica, who was now crouched over him. She was yelling something ... but Dipper couldn't hear, it was all too much, everything was -

Pacifica slapped him. Pain flashed across his face and with it came awareness.

"- wrong with you? Move, dummy! We need to get out of here!"

Dipper blinked. The barrier was gone. Bill's minions were attacking the Shack. With Pacifica's urgent, impatient help, he got to his feet and gasped.

The Shack was on fire. The entire left wall was missing. People and magical creatures ran in every direction.

    A group of gnomes bumped against him, screaming. Suddenly half of their number stopped in their tracks, turned to stone. The remaining terrified gnomes turned and ran the other direction.

The Multibear struggled against some sort of lizard beast. But the ray of an Eyebat took him from behind, leaving an angry statue in his place.

"Kids, where are you? Kids!" Grunkle Stan's voice suddenly cut off as the gaze of an Eyebat rested on him.

Mister Mystery crashed to the ground, a statue of living stone.

"No..." Dipper whispered.

"Dipper we have to go!" Pacifica screamed, pulling him a few steps toward the section of the shack that had been blown away.

"Wait...wait, my sister! Mabel's upstairs!" Dipper yelled.

"Dipper, the house is on fire. We've got to get out!" Pacifica said.

"Not without my sister!"

With that, Dipper tore his arm away from Pacifica's grasp and sprinted toward the stairs.

"I'm coming, Mab-" Dipper was thrown back as the stairs exploded outward in a fiery blast and the ceiling sagged and snapped, crashing down before him.

"No..." Dipper whispered.

Pacifica ran up behind him, grabbing him, pulling him back away from the fire, away from the shack, away from his sister.

"Mabel! Mabel! NO!" Dipper cried.

"Come on, Dipper," Pacifica whispered.

"No, I have to save my sister, I've got to help her!"

"She ... she's gone. I'm sorry. But we've got to go or we won't be able to help anyone."

The roof of the shack suddenly collapsed, falling to the side. Creatures and demons of every description howled and laughed as the shack fell, and Dipper let himself be pulled away, into the darkness of the woods.

He couldn't think. He couldn't believe it.

After all they had done, after all they had accomplished, Mabel ... Mabel was gone.


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