Craig POV

Worked dragged today. I did Tech support and such as a few other side jobs, but this one paid the most and I was good at it. I had been driving all over town today, but this was my last call. I had gotten a call from a girl saying that she was having problems with her pc shutting down on startup, hopefully this wouldn't take long, I had to pick up Tweekers from work. I pulled into their driveway and parked. I grabbed my laptop, flash drive and paperwork as I walked up to the door. I knocked and I knew it was slick out. I adjusted my footing and slipped. All I remembered was the falling sensation and the sky.

Tweek POV

'W-what t-the -ARGH- hell are you talking about?" I twitched. Cartman walked over to me and sat down.
"Sometimes spaz, we think we know everything about someone" he sighed as he put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly brushed it off.
"D-don't touch me" I spat. Cartman laughed a little.
"I'm guessing Craig was supposed to come pick you up tonight?" He asked. I just nodded in response.
"Not supposed to. H-he is picking m-me up tonight" I answered. I saw Cartman pull out his phone from the corner of my eye. I was already a nervous wreck from work, and had my first cup of coffee in months. I was a jittering mess and now I had to deal with the town asshole.
"People can sometimes lead people you know," he began. "They can show us how much they care and love us, but it can all just be fake"
I slowly look up and try to understand the look on his face, but Cartman is so hard to read.
"Y-yeah that can happen, but thats not Craig" I said. Cartman just shook his head.
"Poor Tweek, you're so naive." Cartman said. "Was Craig acting a bit strange today?"
I slowly started to twitch. He had been acting a little strange, but other than that he was still happy and smiling. To me at least.
"H-he was acting a little strange" I said quietly. Cartman just kept looking at his phone.
"What time was he supposed to be out of work?" He asked.
"9:30" I said quietly. I looked at my phone. 10:25. Almost an hour late.
"I bet you're wondering where he is" Cartman smiled. His smile creeped me out.
"Y-yeah" I whispered in a scared tone.
"I didn't want to be the one to tell you this Tweek" he said sadly. "But Craig has been cheating on you"
I froze. My coffee cup slipped out of hand and shattered on the concrete. I slowly turned my head and looked at Cartman. There was almost a look of genuine sadness on his face.
"Y-your -ARGH- lying!" I yelled shakily as I stood up. Cartman slowly got up and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I have proof Tweek" he stated. "It goes as far back as the dance"
My body was twitching heavily. My heart was pounding, tears started to form.
"C-Craig would never do that....h-he loves me...." I cried. Cartman started tapping on his phone and I felt mine go off. I slowly pulled it out, rubbing my eyes.
"Just look for yourself Tweek" he said gesturing to my phone. I shakily tapped on my phone and tapped on the messages app. A video. My heart was pounding through my chest. I lightly tapped on it, not ready for anything. It showed Craig kissing the girl the night of the party. They pulled away and then Craig spoke.
"I don't give two shits about him. Tweek is a whore." He said in the video and went back for another kiss. I started shaking violently, and started to hyperventilate. Cartman then sent me a picture. It was Craig and the same girl sleeping in bed.
"That was taken 15 minutes ago" Cartman said. I looked over at him and I had lost it. I was having a mental breakdown. I bolted home screaming and crying. I had never ever experienced a heartbreak like this before.

Craig POV

I violently shot up. Big mistake. My back and neck were killing me. I slowly got up and looked around. I was on a couch and noticed my client on her pc.
"What happened?" I asked while rubbing my neck. She turned and looked at me.
"You slipped on my front steps, I could of sworn I had out ice melt on it, I do apologize." She said, I accepted her apology and grabbed my things.
"Lets see if a fresh windows install fixes this" it didn't take long and she happily paid me.
"You doing anything else tonight?" She winked. I just shook my head.
"Picking up my boyfriend and gonna enjoy New Years" I answered. That's when it hit me. I checked my phone. 10:35pm.
"Fucking shit!" I muttered and quickly left the house. The girl was watching me from her door as I fumbled my keys. I got in and started my car and immediately texted Tweek.

Me: OMG Tweek! I'm so sorry! I slipped at my last customers house and got knocked out. Please tell me your ok?

Tweek: *reads*

Me: Honey? Is everything ok? I'm so sorry, I promise I"m on my way right now I swear!

Tweek: *reads*

I quickly backed out of her driveway and drove as fast as I could to Tweek Bros. Coffee. It didn't take me more than ten minutes to get there as I pulled up to the front of the shop. I pulled the e-brake and quickly got out.
"Tweekers!? Where are you?" I yelled into the night sky. I rushed around outside the store looking for any sign of him. I looked in through the front doors.
"It must have been awful today" I said to myself quietly. The trash cans were still practically overflowing and Tweek hated leaving work in a mess. I went back to my car and leaned back in my driver seat. I was about to call Tweek when I received a text from Clyde.

Clyde: Dude! What happened to Tweek?

Me: I was late picking him up, I hit my head and got knocked out. Where is he?

Clyde: he was just running home, Bebe and I tried to pick him up. But he just kept screaming "leave me alone". I don't think I have ever seen him that upset.

Me: fuck....

I started my car and quickly sped to Tweeks house.
"God I hope he is ok" I whispered to myself.

Tweek POV

It felt like I had been running for an eternity. I was still balling my eyes out, my body was trembling, my heart.....was broken. I ran by a local restaurant and I heard a familiar voice.
"Tweek! Where are you going" I heard Clyde's voice yell. I turned around and yelled as loud as I could.
"L-leave me alone!!!" I screamed at him. I wiped my eyes as best as I could and continued running to my house.

I finally made it. I could barely breathe or keep my hands steady enough to unlock the door. I fumbled with my key for what seemed like forever until I finally got it open and ran inside and locked it. I threw off my apron, my hat and bolted up the stairs into my room. I jumped onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow and finally lost it.
"C-Craig....w-why...." I sobbed as I pulled out my phone and looked at the picture again. I tossed my phone onto the covers and slowly looked over at the edge of my bed. The teddy bear he had gotten me when he asked me out. I shakily grabbed it and held it in my hands. More tears welled in my eyes and I tossed it at my wall. I curled into a ball and twitched violently and tears flowing from my eyes was like a dam burst. I tried to warn you. The voice in my head snickered at me. He deserved so much better than you. He was just using you because you were the new kid. I pulled my hair and screamed. You worthless piece of shit, why don't you just go back to your old ways. You know where they are. I shakily looked over at my desk and slowly got up. I groggily walked up to it and pulled out the top drawer and opened a secret compartment. I slowly opened it and pulled out a box cutter blade. Do it you little attention whore, you deserve nobody for letting yourself think someone as good as Craig could ever love you! I stared into my mirror and slowly lifted my left sleeve up. My tears are still flowing like a waterfall, I slowly bring the blade to eye level. It shined in the light, looked as sharp as can be. I whimpered and took a deep breath and placed it against my left arm. I whined as the blade sliced into my flesh. Deeper than I had ever done it before. I slowly looked down and saw the streak of blood follow the blade as I sliced up my arm. I removed it and went back down again next to that one and did the same thing again. Then again. Then again. I used my bloody left hand to move up my right sleeve and proceeded to do the same to my right arm. I wasn't crying anymore. I just had a feeling of utter emptiness. I slid to the floor as my blood slowly dripped from my arms and hands and began to form tiny puddles on my carpet. I still had the blade in my hand as I slammed the back of my head against my desk. I slowly closed my eyes while twitching terribly when I heard slamming on my front door.
"Tweek!!!" I heard a familiar voice screaming. It was Craig.

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