Chapter Twelve - Broomsticks and Boyfriends

Start from the beginning

"I never wanted him to lose his pet but does he honestly think so little of me that I'd be happy to sit back and watch my cat kill him." Hermione huffed and wiped her eyes. "Thank you, Hal, I appreciate you coming up here, but I'll be fine. I really do have a lot of reading to get through." She looked over at the dark-haired witch then at her book which she sort of glared at.

"Can I give you a little piece of advice... as someone who has had more than her share of breakdowns over studying too hard, it really is best to let things slide once in a while, for your own wellbeing. You're an exceptionally bright witch, you surpass most of the N.E.W.T students, give yourself a night off every now and then, do something just for the fun of it." Hal gave her a quick side hug then left the dorm, she knew everyone had told her to take it easy but it was a party, how could she not join in?


"AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Someone yelled causing the whole of Gryffindor tower to jolt awake. Angie was so tired that she'd fallen out of her bed onto the floor with a painful thud, her foot caught around her blankets.

"Who died?!" Alicia said grumpily and threw on her robe as they left the dorm room and followed the sounds of commotion into the common room.

"Everyone back upstairs!" Percy yelled in a tired but authoritative voice, pinning his damn Head Boy badge onto his pyjamas.

"Perce! Sirius Black!" Ron shook and waved his arms everywhere, "In our dormitory! With a knife! Woke me up!" He turned and looked frantically at the growing crowd then his eyes landed on Halley and it was like he was seeing Sirius Black again. "YOU!" He yelled and pointed at Hal accusingly which caused Fred and George to stand protectively in front of her and glared at Ron.

You could hear a pin drop with how quiet the common room became, Percy, looked between his brothers and Halley not knowing what to do. "Nonsense!" He insisted but didn't sound very sure of himself, "You had too much to eat, Ron, just a nightmare!"

Ron started arguing back but at that point McGonagall marched into the tower, slamming the portrait behind her looking positively murderous. "I am delighted that Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous! Percy, I expected better of you!"

Percy and Ron then began arguing again about whether or not it had been a nightmare but Ron shouted the loudest and Percy stared at him indignantly. "IT WASN'T A NIGHTMARE! PROFESSOR, I WOKE UP, AND SIRIUS BLACK WAS STANDING OVER ME HOLDING A KNIFE!" Ron breathed deeply and McGonagall just stared at him then looked at Halley who was still being guarded by twin one and twin two.

"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley. How could Black possibly have got through the portrait hole?"

Ron turned again on Halley and narrowed his eyes, "Ask her!"

Fred and George looked ready to punch their brother but McGonagall also looked like she wanted to whack Ron with a book. "Miss Black has nothing to do with her father, I'll thank you kindly to not throw accusations like that around!" She said firmly and Ron went a shade darker under her piercing stare. Minerva opened the door again and looked at the portrait of Sir Cadogan. "Did you just let a man enter Gryffindor Tower?"

"Certainly good lady!" The ridiculous knight said throwing his chest out and threw up a salute.

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes and McGonagall looked as if she'd just swallowed a toad. "You - you did? But... but the password!" She stuttered.

"He had them all! Little piece of paper with the whole weeks worth, my lady!"

McGonagall turned as pale as the ghosts and stepped back into the common room. "Which person..." Her voice shook, "Which abysmally foolish person wrote down the weeks' passwords and left them lying around?"

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