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AFTER SOME FRESH AIR AND A LONG WALK TO THE PARK, JJ was feeling a lot better. We found a nice little spot in the park, just up the hill, and we all sat down, staring out at the shitty town, laughing about our new thing in common; being not normal.

"Triculine, Rizzalin... The veritable Stun, as of today." JJ tossed his packets of medication on the grass in front of us, surprising us with just how much he really took daily. "Oh, dietary supplements... Ah, here's my vitamin C." He tossed this tube on top of the growing pile, rambling on about how he actually does about twenty of these a day, something about them being fizzy? "Go on, try one. You're supposed to dissolve them, but they've got a better kick this way." He handed one to both me and Emily, who looked to me as unsure whether to take the risk, but figuring why not, we both placed the vitamin in our mouths. Big mistake. The fizz (which was apparently the best part for JJ) was what seemed to make the whole thing worse, making the horrible flavour stronger in my mouth. I could see a look of regret on Emily's face as she began to feel the same, and I could hear the fizzing of the vitamin in both her mouth and mine. "Bloody hell, these are gross," I said as I spat it out, the flavour lingering in my mouth. JJ laughed at my actions as Emily grabbed for the Coke can, JJ trying to protest as quick as he could, "I don't think you want to do that!" He said as she downed the can, the vitamin fizzing up so much that she seemed to be choking. "Oh fuck," I said as JJ rushed behind her, trying to attempt the Heimlich manoeuvre whilst I searched my bag for a water bottle, knowing I put one there earlier. After a few manoeuvres, Emily vomited, the frothy vitamin liquid spewing everywhere as she coughed all over the grass, JJ still sat behind her, breathing a sigh of relief.

"I think you've got your hand on my tit," Emily said awkwardly, making me giggle as JJ attempted to move, all three of us giggling at the wildness of the situation. Only we would end up with one of us almost dying. We seemed like a new band of misfits. "I've screwed this all up, haven't I?" He asked the pair of us, and we both shook our heads, quickly reassuring the boy. "This has been a nice day. Truth is... you're nice, JJ. " I nodded as Emily spoke, but he shook his head. "I'm unusual." "Aren't we all, huh JJ?" I smiled, pulling the guy in for a hug as we settled back on the grass, a little bit further away from Emily's vomit.

"I'd give anything to be normal for a whole day." Emily nodded, before turning to look at JJ, "If you were normal, what would you do?" My interest peaked, and I waited for JJ's answer, seeing his eyes flutter as he was thinking. "I'd lose my virginity first. Several times. I'd have the biggest Choccy-nut milkshake without going into shock. Then I'd tell Freddie and Cook to stop fighting about Aur- erm, never mind." He said, glancing at me, before continuing." I'd tell them to stop fighting over everything, pretty much, before they end up hating each other forever. And instead of making me take sides, they'll just fucking listen to me once and not fucking ruffle my hair. And then I'd tell Effy I loved her and lose my virginity a few more times." He didn't seem to realise that his overexcitement made him reveal his love for Effy, which was something I'm sure he didn't want to slip out.

"You love Effy?" Emily asked, looking between both JJ and me as I stared at him surprised. "Did I just say that out loud?" He looked at me, waiting for a response, and I nodded slowly, "Afraid so, don't worry about it though." I said, but my reassurance clearly meant nothing. "Retard! I'm a retard! Nut job! Bat case! Spaso! Mong! Autistic fuking fruitcake! Mental-" I grabbed his shoulders harshly, pulling him out of it. "JJ, you're getting locked on!" I tried to get his attention, but he was stuck in his own head, clearly struggling. I looked to Em, who looked kind of worried, trying to get JJ's attention too, yet he kept going, calling himself the weirdest names under the sun. "JJ! Look at these!" Emily lifted her top, flashing both me and JJ, which made me giggle as JJ's meltdown immediately came to a halt, his eyes mesmerised by the pair of tits in front of him.

"Well, that worked," JJ said as Em pulled her top down, his eyes staring at her in shock, mouth slightly agape. "The last guy to see my tits weren't quite as impressed." She said, giggling at me as she turned back around. "I supposed I should leave." He said, and I protested. "I don't think so." I smiled at him softly, and Emily turned back to face him, the three of us sitting in some sort of triangle. "You know, J, all those things you want, you don't ask for them. Why don't you just ask?" JJ stops and thinks for a moment, before asking to see Emily's tits again. "Or maybe you could show me your pair, huh Aurora? Either would be fantastic." I laughed as both I and Em shook our heads as I shoved JJ lightly, calling him a cheeky boy. "Let's start with the easy stuff, yeah? We'll help, right Rory?" I nodded, standing up and pulling the pair of them up from the grass. "Where do we start?" I asked as the three of us look down at our town, planning JJ's first move.

We'd decided, out of all the things JJ wanted to do, that the first and easiest step should have been speaking to Freddie. Freddie is one of the most understanding about JJ, and probably the easiest to get through to, he isn't quite the wanker James is. JJ was still unsure, a part of him not keen on just bursting into Freddie's house, showing up unannounced, but we did it anyway. Standing outside his front door, I could see JJ's hesitation, mumbling about being normal, almost repeating the word normal as if to make it true. "Ring the bell, JJ," Emily said, and he stood there, looking down the path as if considering making a run for it, which of course wouldn't work. "If you don't, I will," I said, and he shook his head, still hesitating, looking to Emily with begging eyes as if pleading with her to get him out of here. "Fine," I said, knocking on the door loudly, causing JJ to look at me surprised. "What are you going to say?" Emily asked, and JJ recited it back to her for the fourth time. "Gonna ask him to make up with Cook. Gonna ask him to stop arguing over... a certain girl." He said, glancing at me again, and Emily shook her head. "They argue over Aurora?" He smacked himself in the forehead, and I shook my head. "Doubt it, must be the other Stonem sister." He shook his head profusely, before continuing, "I'm gonna ask him to stop ruffling my hair too." He said, as the door swung open and Karen appeared.

"Hello JJ." She said, ruffling his hair, before noticing me standing behind the pair. "Oh, hey Aurora! How are you?" She said, waving at me behind the pair, as Emily nudged JJ to tell her. "Karen, if you don't mind, would you please not ruffle-" Karen interrupted, staring rudely at Emily, who was just as confused as the rest of us. "Do I know you?" Emily asked, her confidence shot down as Karen stared at her intimidatingly. Karen stared at her, before laughing, mumbling 'fucking hell' as she stared at Emily. "I want to see Freddie and I want to see him now." Karen nodded to the three of us, moving aside so we could come in, before following us upstairs. "It's okay, Karen. I know which bedroom it is." She looked almost devious as she followed JJ, with Emily and me behind her. "Yeah, but this is going to be good. It's uncanny. And unfortunate, for some." JJ knocked on the bedroom door as Karen stood with both Emily and me, almost fascinated by Emily's face. She then turned to me. "You might not wanna, you know, be here." I stared at her, the situation seemingly getting more and more confusing as she pulled me in for a hug, just as JJ yelled through the door. "Freddie?" "Yeah. Um... I'm just a bit busy at the minute, J. Sorry." Freddie sounded weird and it made me a bit worried, noticing the look on Karen's face as Emily shoved JJ to the side, opening the door without saying another word.

The pair of them froze in place, looking shocked at whatever was in the room, neither of them saying a word. Curiosity got the better of me, and I peered over their shoulders to see Katie Fitch laying comfortably on the bed with Freddie, who was sitting beside her, shirtless.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

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