Chapter 7: Blood and Riches

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Back at the Guild

Constant harmonious chatter could be heard throughout the walls of the Guild. After the dullahan's defeat, the town thanked Slayer and Darkness personally for having the guts to stand strong to defeat the dullahan. They brought Slayer's party together and the front desk lady from before stated, "For saving the town and the townspeople's lives, Masato Kouda would like to award you 2 million eris for your party to share."

Megumin's, Aqua's, and Darkness's mouth were agape with the money they were awarded as the crowd cheered them for their deed. Slayer, with his helmet off, gave a hearty smile to her and the rest of the staff gave one right back.

"That's the face of a true warrior," a waitress stated aloud.

"He's the only adventurer in this whole guild I'd be with," said another.

"That's not even all you four," the lady stated before looking at the Slayer's helmet, "...or five. The dullahan you killed had an exceedingly high bounty. Due to the fact that Slayer killed him, it would be appropriate for me to tell you all the amount."

The whole party's eyes gleamed with excitement and awaitment, except Slayer's. He just stood there with the most serious face in the room.

"Maybe the number would put some more emotion on that face of yours," she told Slayer jokingly. "You will receive... 300 million eris!!!"

Everyone except Slayer, Vega and the staff screamed in unison, "WHAT?!?!"

"We're going to swim in so much money," Aqua yelled with glee. "I mean, I definitely earned my cut with me supporting you, recruiting Megumin and Aqua, making you an adventurer, and all that."

Slayer looked at her with utter shame and disappointment. She shouldn't even get a penny since she didn't even help, nor has helped in any sense over the past three days. Why should she get anything? He kept on thinking until Vega popped in, "Here's how we will split it." Everyone looked at Slayer even though they were listening to Vega.

"Aqua won't get anything," Vega started off.

"Huh," Aqua said as she began to question what she just heard.

"Slayer, Darkness, and Megumin will get 100 million each," he continued, "That should be fair for all the parties involved and Lady Aqua could not be useless and do some work for once."

Everyone in the guild laughed as Aqua began to complain about the split until a random adventurer asked, "You got the first round, Slayer?"

Slayer gave a thumbs-up in response and everyone cheered with joy as the party began. Slayer bought himself a glass of whiskey and sat down with his comrades. Megumin and Darkness were talking about explosion magic, while Aqua was pouting with a glass of expensive wine.

Darkness looked in Slayer's direction and said, "Cheers Slayer to being one of the strongest adventures to step foot on this world." She raised her glass of beer towards him as he obliged and tapped his glass with hers. They both took a sip and Aqua asked, "You aren't serious about giving me nothing right?" Slayer nodded and Aqua let out a sigh. "I'm glad it was one. You shouldn't scare a girl or even a goddess like that," she responded.

Slayer just rolled his eyes while Darkness and Megumin laughed at his attempt at humor. Megumin had tried to order an alcoholic beverage beforehand, but was denied by Darkness and Aqua due to the fact that she's too young. She tried to take a sip from Slayer's glass while he wasn't paying attention, but he looked dead in her eyes and shook his head "no" to the poor arch-wizard. She placed her defeated head on the table as she wasn't happy at that moment.

A few hours past as the party dwindled to an end. Amazing food and excellent booze were served throughout the night, along with songs that were sung by the drunks. Slayer's group were some of the last to leave with an extra-drunk goddess in tow.

"Why would she have to drink that much when she knows she can't hold it," Megumin asked everyone else.

"Some just don't know their limits," Darkness responded. Slayer nodded to Darkness's response as he has seen his fair share of drunks way back when.

When they arrived at the inn, Darkness and Megumin bid them farewell as Slayer walked into the inn and helped Aqua into her room. The innkeeper gave Slayer a spare key since she saw that she was drunk. Once they arrived he flopped her on the bed, put the blanket on her, and exited in the room whilst locking the door shut.

Slayer was about to walk into his room until Vega alerted him by saying, "Slayer, I'm sensing a demonic presence about 200 ft from the inn. It's the route Darkness and Megumin walked. Sending the coordinates now." He loaded his shotgun and ran out as fast as he could. He wouldn't let anyone hurt his allies, especially those two.

He ran to an alley where Darkness was fighting a predator demon while Megumin was on the ground badly injured from some slash wounds. She had three separate cuts that were about an inch from each other. The two on the top and bottom weren't the issue, but the gash in the middle on her mid-stomach area was bleeding out the most.

Slayer cocked his shotgun which alerted his presence to the three in the ally. Darkness shouted, "This one knows what it's doing! It's shaving my armor inch by inch. THAT WRETCHED FIEND! I'll have it pay for hurting-," Slayer pushed Darkness to the side and continued to walk towards the demon.

The demon threw a fireball at him, but he dodged it by dashing to the right. As he got closer and closer, the demon then lunged at him to try and hit with a melee strike. As it was about to, Slayer caught the demon by catching it by the throat. He had rage boiling inside as he turned to Darkness who was tending to Megumin's wounds, which only made his rage worsen. He tossed the predator demon slightly in the air and gashed it's whole body open with his equipped blade, exposing the bones and guts of the demon. As it fell a little bit, he caught it again, and proceeded to rip the demon's head clean off as he crushed it in his left hand.

He walked up to Darkness and saw her trying her best to tend to Megumin's wounds. He bent down, grabbed his bag, and pulled out some blue healing potions that were in a small test tube. He lifted Megumin's head and helped her drink the potion, which is how he thought the potions worked. Her wounds started to heal slowly as he could see the smaller two slash marks fading off her body.

"She needs a higher form of aid, Slayer," Vega told him. "Darkness, is there a hospital or nearby place where we could heal her wounds?"

"Yes!," Darkness stated boldly. "Just follow me as they are some of the best healers in town."

Slayer knew what he had to do next. He held a pure hatred towards the demons and after hurting an ally, it has sent him to the point of no return. Once she has recovered, he will find out where these demons are hiding and slaughter them all.

"I understand your thoughts perfectly," Vega added. "I'll scan the area to find where the demons are being gathered. Give me a few minutes and I'll give you the exact location."

Slayer picked Megumin up, ran out of the alleyway with Darkness, and followed her to the place she was talking about. He only had to hope for what the outcome would be for this young arch-wizard. 

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