Chapter 2: And So It Begins...

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Author's Note: I don't own anything, but the idea of the story. Doom and Konosuba are owned by their respective parties. Enjoy!

Axel, Belzerg

Doom Slayer and Aqua arrive at their new world. Doom Slayer looked around and admired the surroundings. It was a medieval-style town full of shops, citizens, children, knights, and anything else you would expect in a town like this. He saw the looks of the shops as they were made mostly by wood finished off with a cobblestone roof, along with a variety of colors.

For the first time in a while, Doom Slayer smirked at the sign of peacefulness he has never seen. He looks down at Aqua who looks like she's about to cry.

"Lady Aqua, are you feeling well," Vega asked.

She then lunged at Slayer and tried to shake him while she continued to bawl her eyes out. Slayer never budged due to the fact that his armor was too heavy for her to actually shake.


"Healing would definitely help our objective," chimed Vega. "Wouldn't you agree, Slayer?"

Slayer gave a thumbs-up in agreement and then after, Aqua continued to cry into the Slayer's armor with the wails being muffled, but hearable. Some villagers watched, some walked away, and some averted the eyes of the children that were watching.

Slayer grabbed Aqua by the shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. It looked like the devil was piercing into her soul. This undoubtedly stopped her crying as she reverted back to normal.

"Alright Slayer," she said enthusiastically. "We gotta make you an adventurer so you can make money to get better gear and to defeat the Demon King! OOO! Like some new weap-," she stops as the Slayer begins to walk away. "WAIT FOR ME," Aqua yells.

The two of them arrive at a building that is coated in white paint with a steeple at the top with a sign at the front that says "Guild Entrance". The Doom Slayer shrugs and is about to walk in before he is stopped by Aqua.

"What do you think you're doing," Aqua asks the Slayer. "You still have blood all over you! Come over here so I can get it off."

She drags Slayer to a nearby patch of grass and uses a water spell to clean the Slayer off. They then walk back to the entrance and open the door.

On the inside, it looks like a usual bar with wooden tables with stools under them, along with an odd looking skeleton hung from the ceiling. They both see adventures ranging from wizards to warriors to thieves. A waitress with brown hair, brown eyes, and a uniform that included heels, a white top, and a maroon-ish skirt, walks by and tells them, "You must be new. Welcome to the guild of Masato Kouda! If you want something to eat, have a seat and a waitress will come by shortly. If you want to sign up to be an adventurer, go to the front desk and she'll be one of the ladies there will be happy to help."

"Thank you miss," thanked Vega.

"Did that helmet just talk," the waitress asked.

"It's odd at first, but you'll get used to it," Aqua stated.

The waitress walked off and the Slayer made his way towards the front desk with Aqua right behind him. They both approach the front desk and the lady, who had the same uniform as the other waitress, but with a blue skirt, bright yellow eyes, and blonde hair, says, "Hi! How can I help you two out today?"

"You two... well mostly Vega be quiet and I'll do all the talking," Aqua whispered.

She turns to the lady and begins to speak.

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