Shirabu Kenjiro x Reader

Start from the beginning

"You could.. always stay," you blushed. He looked at you with wide eyes.

"I mean," you stammered, "I can sleep on a makeshift bed on the floor if you don't mind staying in the same room," you busied your hands in your blankets as a distraction.

"No. You'll sleep in your own bed. I'm the one intruding, I'll sleep on the floor."

"What! No way, you're our guest here. I couldn't be such a bad host!" The two of you went back and forth like this for a while, the embarrassment from earlier slowly fading away to be forgotten.

"Well then, I guess I'm just going to stay here then," you faked a huff, laying down and covering yourself with your blanket.

"Looks like I am too," he mocked your pouting, also laying down. He looked into your eyes, just then realizing how close you were to him. Your heads weren't even a full pillow's length away from each other, which made both of your cheeks heat up again, remembering the awkwardness of the circumstances.

Neither of you were going to give in or back down, though, because that would mean losing the unspoken competition you started over who would be the one to sleep in the bed.

"I'm fine here, but if you aren't I still can sleep on the floor," Shirabu tried to provoke you into making him leave.

"Oh no, I don't mind at all, but if you can't take it I'll move."

Both of you were trying to win and prove your points, so you both stayed there in an intense stare-off.

"Well, I'm going to sleep. No problems on my end," he smirked slightly before closing his eyes.

"Oh, I'm already asleep," you imitated his tone before closing your eyes as well, only just now remembering how tired you actually were. You fell asleep in no time, leaving the dilemma with Shirabu behind as you drifted off into a dream.


"(F/N)?! Why are you home? And why is Shirabu.. AH!"

You woke up to your brother's harsh cries, groaning at the volume of his voice.

"Shut uppppppp Tsutomu, I got home too late last night for you to be this loud this early." You didn't even open your eyes, instead snuggling further into the warmth of your bed. For such few hours of sleep, you really did have a good night's rest.

"NO! I can't TAKE THIS," Goshiki's voice wavered between about 4 different octaves, irritating you yet again.

"I thought I told you to SHUT. UP." You moved to face him this time, only to find you were locked in place by a heavy weight. Your eyes shot open, suddenly remembering last night's events, and Shirabu's eyes opened to meet yours at the same time. He was the weight keeping you in place- his arm around your waist to be exact. His face was centimeters away from yours and your legs entwined with his.

"Oh," you whispered in shock, not being awake enough to react fully yet. Instead, you found it hard to tear your eyes from his. Goshiki grew too uncomfortable with the scene before him and so he let out a disgruntled cry before scurrying out of your room.

"Uh, good morning," you let out a nervous laugh, neither of you having moved away from one another.

He cleared his throat, finally blinking out of his trance, "Good morning (F/N)."

"Should... Should we get up and explain to my brother?"

"Not yet," he murmured, furrowing his brows at the thought of doing that.

"Then wha-" he cut your question off with his lips on yours, surprising you, but you still returned his ministrations and deepened the kiss.

"I've been waiting to do that for too long," he whispered against your lips when you finally broke for air. He pressed his lips to yours once more before shifting to lay on his back and look at the ceiling.

"Shirabu, do you by any chance like me? Because if you happened to, I might happen to return the feeling." He peeked at you from the corner of his eye to see your grinning face watching him.

"By chance, I do- I have for quite some time," he admitted, "but I never thought it would take this situation to get me to admit that." You both laughed, thinking back to the events prior again.

"You know, I slept like a log last night. I was almost too relaxed next to you," you giggled.

"Be mine," he got suddenly serious. "I'll make sure you always feel at ease."

"Hmm, okay," you grinned easily, "but you're going to be the one to break the news to Tsu!" You quickly pressed a kiss to his jaw before running off to avoid both Shirabu's protests and your brothers refusal to accept your newfound relationship.

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