"Let's go back there!" Louis said enthusiastically and started walking to the other side of the yard, so that he could reach the opposite side of the pool.

"Come on," Zayn smiled, taking my hand in his and strolling behind Louis.

I thought to take my hand out of his grip but then I also thought it would look rude and I have already embarrased myself enough in front of Zayn.

Now that, was a memory I did not need.

We walked to the other side to the little group of people who all apparently knew each other. Zayn also sort of blended in after a while, so I tried doing the same too.

Again, tried.

Things went a little blurred out after that, I drank a few more glasses of fruit beer, one coke and we had a lot of snacks, we played a few games too, truth and dare being the most fun. We clicked lots of pictures, exchanged numbers and overall had a great time.

I too, started loosing up after a few minutes everyone acting stupid. Turns out people are not as awkward once they are drunk.

The guys were all very nice and well mannered. I was not very used to that behaviour back home, so it felt a bit sttrange to be called 'love' and 'sweetheart' randomly.

I can proudly say that I made a lot of new friends.

Apart from me, Andrea and Nichole, there was anoter girl called Danielle. She was Liam's girlfriend, who was Louis' bestfriend who met Zayn in their P.E. lecture.

We stayed outside for a lot of time, infact, I even forgot I didn't want to come here in the first place.

The best highlight of the night was when Louis dared Nichole to jump in the pool and Nichole agreed, but taking him in with her as well at the last minute.

After a while, everyone agreed on just playing 'Never Have I Ever' because all of us were too tired to move.
At some point in the game, Zayn casually dropped his head on my shoulder, sighing softly and closing his eyes.

I was too far to feel uncomfortable, so I rested my head over his and we both laughed over something Nichole said.

I have no recollection of anything after that.

All I remember is waking up to Zayn softly touching my cheek.

"Come on Violet, Let's get you home," He smiled, sounding softer than general.

I got up, still figuring out what was happening. It looked like it was pretty late, and Liam and Danielle were not here, Andrea was waking Nichole up, Louis was doing something in his phone.

"Louis is dropping Nichole and Andrea to their homes because they live closer, so I am dropping you home, is that okay?" Zayn asked, still sounding soft.

I looked around and gathered my things.

"Okay," I don't think I had any other option here, and also, I am very tired.

I go over and tell the girls about the setting, they agree and we all leave the party.

Zayn owned a Mercedes Benz. Even in half asleep state of mind, I noticed that elegant black baby.

I showed my address to Zayn who knew that place and started the car, I noticed that there were 18 missed calls and 35 messages that I had not read.

Last time that had happened was when my mom got worried when I had not reached home till midnight.

I suddenly realised that it was 1 a.m.

And all this notifications had Harry's name.

I quickly texted a 'reaching in 10' and shut my phone off, it anyway had just 5% battery left.

The car ride was silent, just some random instrumental playing in the speaker. I almost fell asleep, to be honest.

"And, here we are," Zayn said as he pulled exactly in front of the main gates.

"That, is a great house you live in," He leaned and looked over at the house.

I looked too, but my focus was on the light that was on in my room.

Harry must be worried, or he might have fallen asleep reading, who knows?

"Okay, bye. Thanks for the ride!"

I got out and was about to walk in when Zayn called my name.

I looked back to see him standing behind me, at a respectable distance.

When did he come out of the car?

"I had a great time tonight. will see you around then?" he smiled, looking nervous all of a sudden. 

"Yeah, I had a great time too, Goodnight Zayn." I smiled brightly at him, hoping that the conversation is over.

I was practically haullucinating my bed right now, I just wanted to sleep.

Zayn had inched a lot closer than before. And to my surprise, he was leaning closer to me.

Oh god, No.

"Okay, see you around Zayn, I gotta go now, am very tired," I said, feeling and ofcourse, sounding very uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Goodnight."

The look of rejection was fully evident on his face, I felt so bad for him but I couldn't do anything.

He left soon after that, leaving me in a jumble of thoughts of what just happened here.

I decided to think tomorrow, and just hit the bed right now.

As quitely as possible, I opened the main gates and shut it, turning around to go in but stopping in my tracks when I saw a very pissed looking Harry standing in the patio, his arms folded across his chest and a neutral expression on his face.

Although, the clenching of his jaw said different story,

Looks like I am not getting sleep that easily.


Looks like the drama will be in the next chapter. Sorry guys, I couldn't fit all of it in one chapter.. 😓

But now, Louis and Liam have also entered in the story ! 😃

And I have now thought of an idea. There's mention of a character called Noah in the beggining, I have decided that Noah will be played by Niall. So I am changing the character's name from Noah to Niall now.

So don't get confused later 😅.

Do tell me what you think about the chapter and vote it if you liked it !



The Knight In Shining Armour (H.S.) ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя