Chapter Eighteen

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~The Chainsmokers - Family~

"You sure you're ready for this? My family can be a handful"

Jillian stared at me In the way that says 'you're fuckin' kidding aren't you'. "Nate, you're the biggest handful of all. I think I can cope with your family."

I grinned. "Well get your ass inside then, woman." I smacked her butt and followed her into the madhouse that was my mother's home. Sunday night dinner would be interesting.

Mum lit up at the sight of us. "Jillian, you made it!" I watched in fascination as they embraced. I'd never know Jillian to be so open with someone new in her life. She was very guarded and distrustful of everyone she met. You had to gain her trust and it was hard work most of the time.

"Thank you for having me," Jillian said to mum, and handed her the cake she'd brought. "I had a good friend of mine make us a red velvet cake for dessert."

Mum's eyes shifted to me and she smiled before looking back at Jillian. "Thanks, sweetheart. The Hunters are big cake eaters."

My mother was sold on Jillian, of that I was sure. And Jillian was just as sold on my mother. It warmed my cold heart. But fuck, heaven help me, the two women in my life getting on? Who knew what shit they'd try and pull on me.

 But fuck, heaven help me, the two women in my life getting on? Who knew what shit they'd try and pull on me

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Caitlin sauntered into the kitchen. "Did someone say cake?" She smiled at Jillian. "Hi, I'm Caitlin, Nates little sister, the one he still tries to mother."

Jillian laughed. "Nate sure does have that protective streak in him, doesn't he?"

Caitlin rolled her eyes. "Oh my god, you have no idea, Jillian, Now where's this cake?"

"Generally comes after dinner, babe, not before," I said, knowing full well that Caitlin wouldn't hesitate to eat it before dinner.

"A girl makes her own rules in life. Right, Caitlin?" Jillian winked at my sister and I watched as another Hunter woman fell under her spell.

I decided to leave them to it and headed into the living room where Riley was catching up on the weekend sport. He eyed me as I took a seat. "Your woman with you?" He asked.

My mother informed everyone I was brining Jillian tonight, and somehow that had translated into her being my woman. "She's not my woman, man."

"What are you then? Cause you haven't brought a woman home since Jessica so this seems like something important."

I scrubbed my face as I fought the churning in my gut at this conversation. "I don't know where its going yet so lets not put a fuckin' label on it, okay."

"Take my advice little brother; work it out as quick as you can because women don't like to be kept waiting. Mum seems to like her so she can't be to bad."

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