Chapter Tweleve

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~Linkin Park - Castle Of Glass~

I woke after a restless night. A night where I'd wrestled with some motherfucking demons. They'd chased me down and knocked my ass flat on the ground, strangling the life out of me. I'd almost hit the point of no return last night. The bottle was begging me to make her my mistress again, and it was taking every fucking ounce of restraint I had not to succumb to her charms.

The one thing that could help me, the release I craved, was the one thing I couldn't make myself do. Sex. Usually I fucked my way out of this black hole, but Jillian had changed all that. She'd changed everything, and suffocating pressure I experienced when I thought about her told me that I needed to stay as far from her a I could. The fucking problem was that a need like I'd never known consumed my every waking moment; a need that only she could fill.


My phone buzzed with a text as I was getting ready for the day.

Ellie: Thanks very much for assaulting my neighbour.
Me: You're fucking welcome.
Ellie: Not what I was aiming for, asshole.
Me: He deserved it.
Ellie: I give up.

I shoved my phone in my pocket, choosing to ignore any further messages from her. I'd see her tonight anyway, and had no doubt she'd continue her tirade then. Until then, I had club business that needing taking care of. Grant was meeting me at the clubhouse in half an hour to go over some of it so I pushed everything else to the back of my mind and concentrated on the part of my life I still felt some control over.


After dealing with morning traffic I'd finally arrived at the clubhouse only to cop shit off Grant after we finished going over club business.

After dealing with morning traffic I'd finally arrived at the clubhouse only to cop shit off Grant after we finished going over club business

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"You talk to Jillian?" He was giving me the look he reserved for men he wanted to use as his personal punching bag.

"It's none of your business, but yes I did."


"What the fuck, Grant? I don't stick my nose In your business."

"My business doesn't include Jillian. That woman is a friend and I look out for my friends, brother. You included."

"You can look out for me by leaving this the hell alone."

"Why are you so hell bent on burying this? I thought you and Jillian were good friends."

"We were."



"Screwing her wrecked the friendship if you must know. Just like I knew it would. Women can't mix the two."

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