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4 years later:

Min ho closed his eyes as he opened the window and inhaled the fresh air. The morning hair softly hit Min ho's naked chest, the soft wind hugging his body, his hair getting a little blown by the soft wind. 

"Min?" Min ho smiled when he heard a familiar morning voice from behind him. He turned to the boy who was lying on their bed, Min ho could see his bare chest as he tried to open his eyes, but miserably failing. Min ho chuckled softly as he heard the boy whining and groaning because Min ho wasn't next to him. Min ho playfully rolled his eyes, walked towards the boy, who was reaching out his arms towards the older boy, for a hug. Min ho smiled, laying on top of the boy and wrapped his arms around him. "Morning sleepy head". Min ho greeted the boy with a peck on his lips. Ji sung, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Min ho, a little blush on his cheeks. "You weren't in bed when I woke up". Ji sung complained, a pout resting on his face, making Min ho roll his eyes again, which made the younger boy dramatically gasp and playfully slam his shoulder making Min ho burst into soft laughter. He rolled away and now was lying besides the younger boy, who quickly wrapped his arms around Min ho's bare waist and snuggled his face in Min ho's neck, giving soft kisses. Min ho smiled, pressing a kiss on Ji sung's head.

"How's your lower body?" Min ho asked concerned. "I think it's paralyzed". Min ho furrowed his eyes, before rolling them. "Dramatic ass". Ji sung pulled away from Min ho's neck and looked at him with an offended face. "Excuse me, last time I remember you were hardly pounding in me". Ji sung said, not expecting the older boy to attack him.

"And last time I remember you were begging me to". Min ho burst into laughter as he saw Ji sung's face turned fully red because of what he had just said. Min ho stopped laughing when he saw Ji sung acting sulky and pouting making him cup his lover's cheeks and press a soft kiss on his lips. "Okay I'm sorry for pounding into you so hardly. I'll try my best to not listen to your begs when I'm pounding into you, okay?" Ji sung gasped and slapped his shoulder again as Min ho burst into laughter, falling on the bed as he continued laughing. Ji sung let out an 'hmph' as he started to get out of bed. Min ho noticed the boy was upset. "Oh come on, I was joking". He grabbed Ji sung's wrist and pulling him back on the bed. Ji sung's back was on Min ho's chest, Min ho's arms around the younger boy's naked waist as Ji sung had his arms crossed on his chest, dramatically looking away from the older boy.

"Baby, Hannie, i'm sorry". Min ho knew those two were Ji sung's favorite pet names. Hannie was something Min ho would call JI sung from in rare occasions. Like when they both are arguing and Min ho's knows he's wrong and he wants to apologize. Or when Min ho gets emotional and wants Ji sung to hold him. Or when Min ho really misses Ji sung.

The first time Min ho called him that was on his graduation. Min ho had taken a year off after he graduated. He realized he had a lot to catch up in his life. He had talked to Ji sung on Min ho's graduation night that he would totally disappear and wants to find himself. He wanted time and space and he'll be back when Ji sung's graduates. And he kept his promise because Min ho was there on Ji sung's graduation, along with the others. No one except Min ho knows what he did in that one year but Ji sung was glad that he was back. 

Baby was something Min ho would call Ji sung since the younger one had said that he loved being called out by that from Min ho.

Ji sung bit his lower lip, trying his best to not give in. Ji sung's breath hitched when he left Min ho's hands on his bare inner thighs, causing him to let out a groan and push his head back on Min ho's chest. "Okay Okay, I forgive you, stop you horny ass". Min ho giggled quietly as he saw Ji sung panicking. Ji sung sent a glare towards Min ho, "You're lucky you're cute". Min ho leaned in pressing a kiss on the younger boy's lips before leaning back. "But you love me". He teased Ji sung, who rolled his eyes and mumbled a 'sadly'.

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