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"Min ho. Dinner is ready". Min ho signed when he heard his mother's voice. It had been a week since he got suspended. A week since he got back. A week since he last saw Ji sung.

The boy had ignored all the texts and calls. He didn't want to see them. But he was sure as hell that most of them were from his best friend. He signed and got up from his study table. He never left his room for the past week. He had his own bathroom which was attached to his room and his mother could always leave dinner in front of his door since he had told her that he didn't want to leave his room. He hadn't met his step siblings. He rarely saw them anyway so it didn't matter.

All day Min ho would just sit at his study table and study for countless hours that he wouldn't even know if it's day or night.

He walked towards his bed room door and opened it to see his mother standng there instead of a tray of dinner. She weakly smiled, "Please come downstairs and have dinner with us". Min ho didn't wanted to but he didn't want to talk either so he quietly closed the door behind his back and went downstairs, following his mother who had a smile on her lips.

They walked to the dining room, there was a 16 seater table and at the corner sat his mother's family. She walked ahead and sat down besides his step dad, who was sitting in the master seat. On his left was his eldest son, Song Eun woo, who was in college besides him sat his oldest step sister, Song Eun jin who was a freshman in highschool, besides his mother sat the twins, Song Yoonmin and Yoomi, they were both in middle school and on his mother's lap sat the youngest sibling, Song Ryuji, who was the daughter of his step father and mother.

"Oh Min ho, you're here. Come have dinner with us". Min ho quietly and slowly went towards the dining table and sat besides Yoonmin who was looking at him with a smile. "It was so nice of you to join us for dinner tonight Min ho". Eun woo said, Min ho did a small nod, picking up the spoon and starting to eat the rice.

Everyone talked and laughed. They talked about the trips they all went to, recalling all the memories and making new plans for their vacation. "That was so fun Min". He looked at her, only to see her talking to Yoonmin. He went back on looking at his plate, with food he hadn't even touched. It made Min ho feel left out, just like he always did. He felt as if these people were just strangers, including the woman whom he call his own mother.

He glanced at her, she was laughing at some joke her husband had made. She was happy, she was enjoying her life, she was happy without Min ho. She didn't need him. He was just a reminder of his dead father. It was killing him, their laughter. He felt suffocating, his heart ached.

He jolted and stood up from his seat and everyone stopped, turning their attention towards him. "Min ho, is everything alright?" He blankly stared at his plate. His older step siblings shared a look before looking back at Min ho.

"Thank you for the meal". And with that he bowed and left the dining room. He walked towards his room a little faster, ignoring the calls of the woman behind him. "Min ho wait!". He walked upstairs and was about to close the door of his bed room after he entered when he felt his mother grabbing his shirt. He jolted away from her touch, causing his mother to stop and look at him.

"Min ho i'n worried about you". That somehow triggered Min ho's brain, making him scoff and looked at the woman, whom he no longer recognized. "No you aren't. You aren't worried about me. You don't give a shit about me". His mother was taken off guard when she heard what Min ho said. It was the first time Min ho had ever talked to her like that. It was the most Min ho had ever said to her after her second marriage.

"W-What are you saying? Min ho I care about you". She spoke out, making the boy chuckle. "I think we both know what's the truth". He said, turning to look at him.

"T-This isn't like you". His mother said, making Min ho roll his eyes. "You don't know anything about me. You don't know what I like, you don't know what I do, fuck you didn't even say anything to me ever since dad died. You didn't even say anything to me after I came home with a bloody black eye and blood on my face".

"All you care about is your new family and that bloody man whom you married. You don't even care about your own fucking child. You didn't even ask how I was all this time and how I was feeling, you didn't even care to ask if i was okay". Tears start forming in his eyes and he didn't even notice.

"You were never there for me. You were never at my dance competitions, you weren't there at my parents meetings at school, you weren't there when I wanted you the most! You weren't even there at dad's funeral!" Tears dripped down his cheeks as he shouted at his mother. "You don't give two shits about how I feel or anything! You don't even bother looking at me and asking me if I okay or if I miss you!". His step father came from behind and looked at the both of them. He scoffed, walking out of his bed room door ignoring his name being yelled out.

This wasn't his home.

What do you think?

-Your sad girl :<

Version Of Me | MinSung |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon