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"What else is on the list?" Min ho asked Ji sung as he pushed the shopping chart. Ji sung looked at the shopping list in his hand and read the next item written on the list. "Dish soap". Min ho hummed and searched the aisle for dish soap. They were in the store for monthly shopping. They were running out of food back in the dorm (because of a certain Chan and the others). Min ho was actually going to the shopping store alone but just as he was about to leave the dorm, Ji sung entered. When he told the younger his destination, Ji sung had said that he wanted to go along with him, Min ho agreed. Hence here they are.

Min ho picked up the dish soap from the aisle and put it inside their shopping cart. "What's next?"

"Baking powder". Min ho furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Ji sung, looking at the shopping list. "What happened to the one we bought a week ago?" He mumbled to himself but quickly remembered that Chan has asked for Baking powder a week ago because he was baking a cake with Woo jin and Jeong in, but never gave it. "Oh right". He replied to himself before turning back and pushing the shopping cart. Ji sung walking besides him, reading the shopping list and not looking where he was going. "Excuse me". The younger looked and noticed that he was blocking the way, he quickly apologised and got out of the way.

Soon they were done. Min ho payed because he wanted to but Ji sung told him he would pay back Min ho when he got the money, Min ho replied, "you don't have to pay me for this, we all know the other's are going to eat this". Ji sung smiled at nodded.

They walked out of the store. Min ho held most of the shopping bags, with one hand while Ji sung held two of them in his left hand, even though Ji sung had insisted that he could hold them but Min ho said he was used to it and he could easily hold them. Ji sung was not looking where he was going, a bike was coming towards his way but he didn't notice. It was getting closer and closer but the younger boy didn't notice, But Min ho did. The older boy quickly held Ji sung's hand and pulled him away from the bike and closer to him. The younger boy closed his eyes shut in suprise.

When Ji sung opened his eyes he was met with white cloth. He then looked up to see Min ho's side profile since the boy was looking at the bike which was driving away. "God people don't even look where they drive". He cursed under his breath looking at the boy near him to ask if he was okay but noticing how close they were he paniced a little. They both quickly pulled away and started to walk, but didn't let go of each other's hands. Ji sung's cheeks were turned pink while Min ho's heart beat was a bit fast.

It reminded him of their kiss. Their kiss. They hadn't talked about it. None of them had brought any thing about it. Min ho gulped and scratched his cheek in irritation.

The streets were quiet and empty, the only source of light were the street lamps. The atmosphere was quiet. Min ho stole a glance at the younger boy who was looking down at his feet as he walked.

"D-do you remember what happened that night...?" Min ho asked out of the blue, making Ji sung a little confused. "Which night?" The younger asked turning to the older boy. "The night when we..." Ji sung's eyes widened as he figured what Min ho was talking about. "O-oh. W-what about i-it...?" Ji sung asked, looking away, avoiding eye contact.

Min ho had no idea how to ask the younger boy. This was his first time experiencing something like this.

To be honest, it quite bugged him a lot. They never talked about the kiss but Min ho wanted to know. He wanted to know what Ji sung thought. But he didn't know how. He didn't know which words he should choose. So he spoke up the first thing that came into his mind.

"Did you like it?"

Ji sung's eyes widened, not really expecting that Min ho would ask him something like that. "L-like wh-what...?" Min hi gulped and looked ahead as he walkes. "The kiss". Ji sung almost choked on his own spit. Min ho really wasn't embarrassed to ask these type of questions but could we blame him? No.

"Uh.." Ji sung rubbed the back of his neck, lack of words and completely red, feeling extremely shy. "I-I li-liked it...". Min ho didn't know he was holding his breath until he finally let go. He replied with an 'oh' and continued walking.

Ji sung bit his lower lip and stares down. Min ho's hand holdimg his own. His heart beat was fast. He hesitately looked up at the older boy. "W-what about you...? D-did y-you like it...?" Min ho stopped walking, causing Ji sung to stop too. He would feel his heart beat in his ears. It was fast. He wasn't used to it. He turned to the younger boy who was already looking at him with a hint of red blush on his cheeks.

"I liked it too".

What do you think? Did you like their kiss? It was my first time writing one and I don't have any experience myself.

-Your sad girl :<

Not a face reveal but this is me

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Not a face reveal but this is me.

Version Of Me | MinSung |Where stories live. Discover now