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"I'm guessing something happened in the ball yesterday night?" Chan asked as he saw Felix biting his lower lip, his cheeks red everytime he and Chang bin accidently make any type of skinship. Felix looked down at his lap. Chang bin was munching on a strawberry so he couldn't answer. He just held Felix's hand and held it up high to show the seven boys.

"Wait. You're dating?" Woo jin asked, with a big smile on his face. Felix shyly nodded, turning even more red. Chang bin pulled their hands down but never let go of them. The boys started to congratulated them. Felix was blushing but he was truely happy. He felt Chang bin squeeze his hand, making him turn to the older boy, who was smiling warmly at his boyfriend. Felix replied with a smile and squeezing Chang bin's hand back.

Min ho who was quietly looking at the new couple, slowly turned to the boy sitting next to Hyun jin and Seung min, who was also looking at the two boys with a small smile. He felt someone looking at him, making him turn his attention to Min ho.

Min ho didn't look away when Ji sung caught him looking at him, he just continued looking at the boy's eyes who did the same. Memories of last night started to appear in Min ho's mind.

How Ji sung's small hands gripped on Min ho's shirt as he started to kiss back. How their lips danced together. How sweet Ji sung tasted and how soft his lips were. How he softly held the boy's cheek as they kissed. How Ji sung's eyes were when he pulled away.

Ji sung looked away when he heard Jeong in starting to talk. Min ho who was still looking at the boy, noticed how Ji sung's cheeks started to turn pink. He looked away, not wanting anyone to ask him questions and started to read his book.


Min ho was on his way back to the dorm from the dance studio when he crossed a familiar store. Where Ji sung worked. He stopped in front of the store and stared the window for a while before going inside, not even knowing why.

He pushed the door open, the familiar bell ring, informing the worker that someone has entered the store. He heard a familiar 'Welcome' from the counter. Not even thinking he stepped in front of counter.

Ji sung, who was on duty, looked up and his heart beat stopped when he saw the older boy. "S-sunbae... w-what are y-you doing here..?"

Good question. Min ho himself didn't know what he was doing here. What was he suppose to say. He didn't know why he was here, his feet just started walking on their own. He raised his hand and pulled out his index finger. "Ramen". That's all he said, before turning around and walking to the aisle searching for ramen. Ji sung stood at the counter, quietly staring at the boy who had just arrived.

Soon, Min ho was sitting in the store, near the window as he blowed the now cooked ramen and began to eat with the help of chopsticks. He looked up, ramen half way in his mouth to see Ji sung standing in front of him. Ji sung scratched his head with his hand and placed some thing on the table. "H-here". Min ho stared at the embarrassed boy who was now sitting besides him before looking down. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the boy. "What's this?"

"C-Chan hyung told me i-it was your birthday the d-day before the ball. So I got y-you something...". Ji sung's voice got lower at he ended his sentence. Min ho looked down at what Ji sung had placed on the table. "Rice cakes?" Min ho asked, holding one of the item in his hand and looked at the boy. "I-I couldn't afford a c-cake. S-sorry..". Min ho looked at the cutely shapes rice cake packet. "It's fine. I don't like cakes that much". Min ho informed the boy who let out a quiet sigh of relief. Min ho then picked up what was suppose to be his gift and his heart beat stopped.

It was a handkerchief. Baby pink in color and had a small hamster on it. With a 'Han Ji sung' stitched on it. It was just like the one Min ho had given him when he found him crying.

Ji sung started to grow nervous when he saw Min ho not saying anything. "I-I know i-t's not much b-but I-"

"No". Ji sung stopped talking and looked at the boy besides him who was holding the handkerchief. "This is fine. Thank you". Ji sung nodded softly muttering a little 'your welcome'. Min ho started to unpack the rice cakes and took out one of the two rice cakes, holding it infront of the boy. Ji sung stared at the rice cake and then back at Min ho, who was avoiding looking at the boy and then back at the rice cake, he then took it, nibbing it and holding the rice cake with both of his hands. Min ho took the other rice cake and quietly took a bite.

They both sat in silence, eating the rice cake before Min ho spoke up. "Did those thugs come back to ask for money?" Ji sung looked at the boy and shook his head. "No. I-I hope they don't though come for a while. I'm saving up m-money and working extra shifts, Seung m-min said he's going to lend me some money. I'll pay him back after I-I pay my debt". Ji sung explained and Min ho slowly nodded. Ji sung went back to eating while Min ho was thinking.

"How much money do you need?" Ji sung stopped and looked at the boy sitting besides him, who was staring at the window. "W-Why do you ask...?" Soon he understood when Min ho looked at him and then down on the floor. "N-no.. I-I'm not going to l-let you p-pay the money".

"You can pay me back later if it makes you feel better". Min ho said calmly. "B-But Sunbae..." Ji sung tried to talk but Min ho shook his head. "The quicker you get out of this mess, the better". Min ho was right so Ji sung agreed.

"Do you have their number?" Min ho asked, earning a nod from Ji sung who took out his phone. "Text them, tell them we'll meet them at the Han River in fifteen minutes". Min ho said as he got up. Not forgetting to pick up the finished ramen box and Ji sung's gift.

"Where are you going to get the money from?" Ji sung asked as he stood up. "Don't worry. I got it".

What do you think? I'm starting to write Minsung content.

-Your sad girl :<

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