A Bullet is the Key

Start from the beginning

“Who took her?” I all but screamed at him. 

Before they could answer another pair of footsteps made their way towards us, they all froze with their mouths wide open as they took in the person who had just walked up. Turning slowly I came face to face with someone I thought had died months ago from a self inflicted gun shot, but there he was standing before us alive as ever.

Richard Carson stood there his green eyes wide and full of curiosity before a look passed through his eyes one I could not pin point. He still looked them same though he looked older for sure and he had gained some muscle getting rid of the innocent skinny boy he used to be.

“Richard” Chrissie whispered with an undertone to her voice as if she wasn’t surprised to see him. 

“H-Hi everyone” He stuttered in his normal voice though as I listen to him speak it almost seemed rehearsed and forced now. Though maybe it was due to the fact we all thought we would never ever hear his voice again in our lives. 

“Y-Your alive?” I asked shocked. I could hear movement from behind me and I knew that Jace was helping Chrissie to her feet since she had brought him down with her once her sobs began to shake her whole frame. He had a baggy hoodie on. I was astonished to see him before me because he had supposedly died that day; he had the gun right that day? It was still hard to recall everything that had gone on that day. 

“They took her Richard” Chrissie said though the look that flashed across Richard’s face didn’t seem like one of concern but then it was gone as fast as it was there.

Chrissie looked at Richard with a look that was hard to read, her tears had stopped but her sniffles continued to go on. 

“I know” was his only reply as he stood before us, my temper was rising and I was losing my patience in a matter of seconds. I looked at Bobby but he just looked down not meeting my eyes, my anger rose as I took a step towards him tough Jace’s arm latched out grabbing me in the process. 

“He didn’t do it Ryder” Jace said once I turned to face him an irritated look on my face. Chrissie looked at me before she walked over and took my hand in hers a shocked look crossed my face as I looked down at her.

“You hate me Chrissie,” I stated as I pulled my hand free of hers and walked off I heard the rest of them fallow me away from the crowded area and towards a more secluded area of the carnival. Stopping at the tree line I leaned my back against the tree waiting for the others to come into view before me. Chrissie and Jace took a seat against the trees in front of me, Richard and Bobby stood off to my right side.

“I don’t hate you Ryder,” She said from where she sat on the floor, her eyes looked sad and scared.

“Ryder I don’t hate you honestly I use to love you but then things changed and I stopped loving you.” 

“You made Bell believe you still were after me though Chrissie,” I told her sharply and she just gazed at me with sad eyes.

“I had to Ryder, Bobby and I both had a change of heart weeks ago but we couldn’t stop helping them without getting our selves in trouble with them in the process. Bobby and I both wanted out Ryder but when we told them this they began to blackmail us as well as a few others.” Came her reply and it left me truthfully speechless. 

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