Chapter 2

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December 2012

"Here with their number one hit What Makes You Beautiful, here is One Direction."

David Letterman said as the boys filed out walking up to the microphones provided.

"Who's that honey?" My mom said as she brings the popcorn over to Justin and I.  We watched as the boys continued on with the singing of their number one hit.

"It's One Direction." 

"Oh they are still relevant?" 

"Yes mom, of course they are. they're amazing." I said as I continued to watch the boys do their thing. Once done they headed over to the seats provided and greeted the one and only David Letterman. Once seated the audience continued to scream out the curly haired boy's name. 

"Harry! Will you marry me?!" One of the girls yelled then Harry waved at her and said yes. They talked about the album and about the symbolism obviously fooling around in between but when they got to What Makes You Beautiful and it was Harry's turn to explain.

"So Harry, what is 'What Makes You Beautiful' about?"

"Well What Makes You Beautiful is about a girl that doesn't know how beautiful she really is." He said as he laughed. 

"Is this inspired by someone or something one of you guys has experienced?" David questioned as he looked around at the boys and that's when Harry went on to say, "Well actually it's about a real life person."

"Oh really, can I ask who?"

"Oh that's a secret." He said as he put his finger to his mouth and said sh! Everyone laughed including me and I could help but wonder who the song was actually about. I totally understand it's personal but come on I'm definitely not the only one wondering.

"Could you at least tell us where you got the idea from?"

"Yeah, um, actually me and the boys were at a photoshoot and someone walked in early. We were goofing off and eventually the photographer got the shoots so we were free to go. We were walking out and this unidentified secret person walked out. She seemed nervous and I told her she was beautiful. She looked down at the ground smiling and we exchanged names then she had to go shoot so we departed but that's where the inspiration for 'What Makes You Beautiful' came from. A girl who doesn't know she's beautiful." Harry said smiling and soon all the boys were yelling 'Oh!'. 

To say at the most my mouth was opened was an understatement. I think my jaw actually night have touched the rug. I can't believe he actually remembered something so small like that. Ten points to Mr. Styles.

"Honey, isn't that about.."

"Mom! Can you get us some more popcorn?" As I shoved the half empty bowl at her. She just smiled at me which told me she knew exactly what she was doing. I laughed and Justin didn't even look up from his phone. We.. actually I continued to watch the rest of the show as One Direction's segment came to an end. I was kind of sad to see them go as they are extremely entertaining. With my mind still on Harry my mom eventually brought back the over flowing popcorn bowl and sat down on the arm chair next to us to finish the show.

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