Chapter thirty four Portal to the world of Mortals

148 45 13

Emma Wilkinson


"Go to the mortal world? But...."

Foreigna cut Mia off silently and began to speak.

"Yes we understand that the problem is-"
"WE ALL HATE THAT PLACE!" We complained. That world was nothing compared to anything we had here.
"Any more ridiculous news we need to know?" Mia asked.
"Hmmmm ah yes! Angus, Sebastien, Kyle, and Jake have gone off to kill those cloaked assassins that killed a group of students not too long ago."

"Pphhhhhhhaaaah! Those four? You gotta be kidding me." Leah said.

Foreigna raised one brown brow. "I am not."

"Well.... So we have to stop this imbecile who is opening the portals that lead to our world?" Stefanie asked.
"Indeed. You are correct."

"But I can't super speed there!" Max complained.
"And I can't set people's butts on fire at will!" Mia protested.
"And we can't cast spells at will!" Jolie groaned.
"And I can't freeze Evan if he get's annoying." Leah grumbled unhappily.
"Hey!" Evan protested.

"Back to mortal food." Julian muttered.
The twins, Leah and Evan began to argue that it was stupid to freeze people when they got annoying. I flicked my hair with my hand good humorously.

"We have mortal food here that is infinity times better than the mortal food there." I agreed.
"I apologize." Foreigna said.
A blur flew into the screen.
"Aurora! Shouldn't you be in school? Or outside of the school? The bell is about to ring!"
"Oh. Uh yeah. Darn." Aurora bit her lip. "Bye you guys!"
She left.

Seeing her made me homesick.

"Now we must be going. Good luck, all of you, and may the gods watch over you on your journey." Galeicia waved and Stef's iPad mini made that little beeping hang up sound and we were alone in the forest once more.

"Well y'all? Who wants the WONDERFUL privilege of opening the portal to the mortal world?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.
"I'll do it." Jolie volunteered.

She began to create a portal, weaving her hands in the air.
When the portal was big enough, it crackled and I bit my lip. It was a very noisy portal indeed. There were crackling sounds and the portal flashed all different kinds of colors.

"Uh... Is that normal for a portal?" Leah asked.
"It's unstable. Since darkness is taking over the world, all of the portals must be unstable with chaos." Julian said.

"We shouldn't go in. We could end up in a completely different dimension, an evil place, or a blank nowhere, space, or a completely different universe. Or be sucked and shredded into darkness." Jennie added uneasily.

"Well we have to go in. Every portal we make will be like this- or worse." Julian said. "Jolie's mom is the goddess of magic and healing and perfection blah blah blah to the point:portals are magic. Anyone else who tries to make a portal could die. Even Isis's magic isn't strong enough to kill all of the chaos and darkness. This is the best we can get."
"Why can't we just cast a spell or teleport?" Evan asked.

"Casting a spell is magic. You could also end up somewhere blah blah darkness blah blah blah chaos. And teleporting has to do with the MAGIC element. So..." Julian trailed off.

"It's like a leap of faith." I breathed.

"We can go in and appear in the mortal world." Sohee said.
"Or that horrible stuff Julian and Jennie were talking about." Alina's voice trembled.
Before I knew what I was saying, I said
"I'll go."
Everyone looked at me.
"We can't go anywhere else." I reminded my friends. "And the world's betting on our decision right now.
"Let's go then."
We all stepped up to the chaotic portal. And, without any second thoughts, as a line, we all entered the portal.

I closed my eyes the whole time. All I really remembered was a feeling like I was being torn apart, like my top and bottom were being separated.

I appeared on a rooftop. One by one, each of my friends popped out, landing on the roof.
Julian began to count. "That's all of us!" He said, sounding proud and happy.

I looked and counted, scanning my group of friends. Suddenly worry crashed into my body and it began to flood throughout my body. My heart skipped a beat as we all exchanged looks of horror and panic as we all realized which people were missing.

"Where are the twins!?"

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