"Once I claim my power and become Lord Hyōga, I will need a beautiful and strong demon by my side to rule the other demons. Who better than you? An Inari kitsune." he smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"So, you want my status." I said and he smiled. "I don't like being used. What's in it for me?" I asked and he smiled sitting beside me. 

"I only need you for a hundred years, after that, you are free to do anything you like, or be with anyone you like..." he said, bringing his face closer to mines.

"Distance yourself." I growled a wall of fire sprouted up between us and he leaned back, smirking.

".. Feisty." he said and I rolled my eyes. 


Miroku, Sango, and Inuyasha eventually came to rescue Kagome. "I got tired of waiting, Inuyasha." he said facing him as he stood in front of Kagome. 

"I'm taking Kagome back." Inuyasha declared.

Hari called for Kirara, then she and her friend jumped on Kirara leaving the closed space. All that was left was me, Inuyasha, Kagome and Menōmaru. I silently watched the fight having no intention to be on either side. Menōmaru was injured, but was healed from the large thing behind me. He walked up the roots and stared down at Inuyasha, stating he was Immortal. The thing I was sitting on began to glow. I looked behind me at Menōmaru, then to Inuyasha and quickly jumped out of the way, landing beside Kagome. Inuyasha used his wind scar, and I squinted at the bright light. "The seal has been broken!" Menōmaru stated proudly. The ground above us started to collapse onto us. A horde of moths surrounded me, and took me up to the surface. 

I watched as the Tree of Ages fell, and up came Menōmaru on a glowing purple ball. He then cut open the ball he was standing on, and Miasma sprouted out, surrounding him. I watched silently as he sunk into the purple ball and it grew smaller as he was absorbing the power within. I scoffed and turned seeing Inuyasha rush towards.. Hyōga.

"Stupid." I thought as he continued to try break the ball that held Hyōga. Hyōga shot a purple energy beam towards Inuyasha and the others, launching them into the forest. 

I suddenly felt something wrap around my waist and saw it was a tree root. I glared at it and burned it off, but it regrew and I looked around seeing all the roots. "Don't touch me." I growled and a ring of fire surrounded me and spread outwards during the roots. I looked up seeing white whips flying around and gather to Hyōga, giving him more power. I scoffed and turned around, walking into the forest. I sniffed the air and followed Inuyasha's scent. I continued to follow it, and paused when I had reached a small clearing. Inuyasha stood in front of me. He noticed me as well, and glared at me. I smiled at him, "Don't look at me like that." I said to him. "You're injured, let me help." I said walking towards him. Before I could touch him, he slapped my hand away.

"I don't need your help." he said quietly.

"And why is that?" I asked him.

"... You stink.." he said as he walked past me, "of that moth bastard.. and Naraku. You disgust me.." he said and continued walking.

I turned to him as he continued walking. I sighed, knowing that his reaction isn't uncalled for. I still decided to follow him. 


I watched as Kikyo and Kagome left and turned to Inuyasha. He was hurt, but not enough to kill him. I walked towards him, and crouched in front of him. "You'll always be an idiot." I whispered, petting his hair. "Falling in love with mortals, for people who will die long before you.. for people who hurt you.." I said smiling. ".. If I was mortal... would you look at me the same way?" I asked, no one in particular. "Don't give me that look.." I said wiping the tears from my eyes and standing, turning to look at Kikyo. "... Are you okay?" I asked her. "You live off souls right?" I asked since she looked confused.

"Not for you to worry." she said and I smiled.

"Actually, living in isolation for 50 years wasn't all that bad." I said turning to her and she was gone, but Seshomaru was there instead. 

"Do you find me disgusting as well?" I asked smiling.

"Why do you stay in that human form of yours?" he asked me.

"Not your business.." I said to him and he sighed.

"That idiot isn't the type to stay angry for a long time, especially at you." he said. 

"Don't try to comfort me." I smiled at him. I turned back to Inuyasha, and gathered a small white flame in my hand. I reached out and the fire seeped into his body. I stood up, backing away. "This is the least I can do." I smiled and stood up, and walked towards the well.

I looked at the tree that has grown over the well. As I stepped closer to the well, my human form faded away, and I was in my kitsune form. My 3 tails swishing slowly behind me. "You don't belong in this world.. but you make him happy.." I spoke softly. I sat down, and placed a hand on the root, and closed my eyes. I burned away the roots surrounding the well. I sighed pulling my hand back and the tree regrew. "It won't work." I turned seeing it was Kaede. I stood and bowed my head to her. "Only a priestess can, right?" I asked her smiling.

"She would be thankful for your efforts. Inuyasha will be as well for healing him." she said and I shook my head. 

"There's no need to tell them." I said and looked at my claws. ".. They don't need to know." I smiled at her. "They can solve this on their own." I said and turned, walking away.


I turned seeing a bright light fill the night sky, and I smiled knowing that they most likely defeated Hyoga. I sat on a rock, looking at my human reflection in the water. I recalled Seshomaru's question as to why I had been in my human form and Inuyasha's words to me. "Disgusting, huh?" I asked smiling and changed back to my kitsune form. My 3 tails wrapped around me and my ears on my head slightly twitched. "He loved humans, so of course I wanted to look human for him... but I'm not... I'm a demon." I said seeing my ears slightly drop.

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