Trust (Levi x Ghoul Reader)

Start from the beginning

You brought a page close to your face, unable to focus on the small letters. Sighing, you put down the paper and picked up your coffee – the fourth cup today. For some inexplicable reason, coffee was the only human food that ghouls could stomach, and even enjoy. Which was good, because after the night you'd had, you were dragging – badly.

As you took a sip, you glanced over the rim of the cup at your boyfriend. You had been officially dating for almost a year now, and had been friends for a long time before that. Given your...condition, you certainly hadn't set out to build relationships with humans, especially romantic ones. However, you couldn't help yourself. During those long days of training, the fights with titans, the hours of conversation to fill sleepless had fallen in love with him. Deeply, irrevocably, completely in love with him. And somehow, he had fallen for you, too.

Shortly thereafter, you noticed that his scent had changed – or rather, your perception of it had. Levi always smelled good, but since the moment you realized you were in love with him, his scent had become more...enticing. Better than anything or anyone else. It only drew you closer to him.

Even though you had been together for a while, you were taking things slow. You hadn't done much more than kiss, and while you were sure of his feelings for you, neither one of you had openly declared your love. You simultaneously wished for that day and dreaded it. Yes, you loved him, but you were also lying to him. You cursed yourself every day for that deceit, but you could never bring yourself to tell him what you were, knowing the pain it would cause both of you.

Thus, you were at an impasse – unable to stay, unwilling to leave. If you told him the truth, odds were he would be disgusted and heartbroken. But if you let things go on...would you lie to him for the rest of your life? Not only that, but it would be dangerous for him, spending so much time with you, sharing a bed with you...

Suddenly, your mind was filled with that vision of his mangled, bloody corpse on the bed.

You slammed your cup down on the table and brought a hand to your mouth, fighting the vomit that had risen at the memory of your nightmare.

"What the –?" Levi exclaimed, concern for you cracking his usually stoic mask as his eyes widened slightly.

You stood up faster than you should have – faster than a human could have, knocking your chair over in the process. You took a step backward toward the door, but tripped on the chair and ended up falling against the wall.


Levi tried to get to you, but you were already up and running. You threw open the door and sprinted down the hall, vaguely registering that there was no one around to see you moving with that inhuman speed. Upon reaching your bedroom, you slammed the door shut and lurched to your bed, leaning over it and bracing your hands on the footboard.

"Breathe..." you told yourself. You lifted your head, looked across the room to your mirror, and...

No. Oh God, no. Your irises were blood-red, surrounded by pools of black. How long had they been like that? Had Levi seen them? This is what made you sick, not the fear of your nightmare but the hunger that arose with it...

"Breathe, breathe, breathe..."

Your ghoul ears heard his footsteps seconds before he slipped through your door. "(F/n)," Levi began, closing the door behind him, "are you al–"

He stopped talking when his eyes met yours.

You froze, staring at Levi over your shoulder from where you were still leaning on the bed.

Levi blinked, then took a step toward you. Toward – not away, his arms reaching out as if he wanted to help you...

"Stay back!" you warned, whirling so that you faced him fully, your back to the bed. 

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