Scary Outcomes

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It was after dinner that Whitebeard was approached by Curiel and the nurses. He was walking down the hall when Whiskey called for him to stop, having been looking for him. They each looked concerned and a bit freaked out. The captain stopped and asked them what was wrong. "We need you to come to the infirmary," Curiel said in a dark voice.

"Alright," Whitebeard replied, feeling nervous and worried about whatever gave his children these unnerved looks. Two of the nurses were standing outside the room, keeping the doors closed. Usually, at least two of the nurses would be asleep since they'd have the night shift, but all of them were awake and outside of the infirmary.

The doors were opened to let the captain in and his eyes widened. Whiskey was stuck to the wall, her hand trapped in that disgusting gooey substance that Luffy's power was made of. It wasn't moving around, but Whiskey's wrist was bleeding. She didn't look afraid, just irritated and bored.

"Pops, please bring someone to get this fucking thing off of me," she snapped. Whiskey didn't get afraid easily, and didn't show pain when she was in it. Whitebeard was speechless, but saw the shattered remains of a microscope on the floor.

"What the hell happened?" he asked as he hurried over, and grabbed the thing attached to his daughter's hand and pulled on it, hard. It stuck to his hand next, but didn't do anything other than just stick there. He tried to get it off with his other hand, but it just stuck to that one. Like an annoying piece of tape.

"We've separated Luffy's vial of blood from the others and any of the blood supplies. Apparently, whatever substance that is in his blood doesn't react well with other types of blood. If this was manmade, which they said it is, someone may have designed it this way," Whiskey said as she treated her own wrist. The stick had had a broken piece of the microscope in it and it had cut the head nurse.

"This was formed when the blood mixed?" the captain asked, stopping trying to get the blob off, because it clearly wasn't going to. "Has it done anything but stick to things?"

Tami started quarantining the section of the infirmary that this thing had touched. Curiel looked highly disturbed. "I wasn't in here, but Wendy was screaming so I heard and came running. It was bubbling up and ended up breaking the microscope. It doesn't seem to have done any harm, but we can't have this in here. We'll have to disinfect the whole area."

Whitebeard walked outside and brought out a broom from the broom closet near the entrance into the ship. He peeled off the goop from his hand, and it stuck to the broom, which he threw into the water. There was nothing left on his hands, and it didn't seem to have harmed him in any way.

He hurried back inside, Marco following after seeing the captain throw something overboard. The nurses were wiping down every surface, the infirmary doors shut and locked. The two pirates could see them working through the windows. Whiskey was ushered inside the showers to wash her down in case the goop carried anything harmful. After all, it originated from blood.

Curiel was standing outside the doors and pacing. "Son, what do you think?"

"I don't think it was sentient. It looked like a reaction, a chemical reaction. All it did was stick, but it did seem to absorb pieces of the broken microscope, which injured Whiskey's wrist. But, it was only for a single drop. Imagine his blood being in the blood cooler. I wish we could have done testing on it, but it is too unknown to not be testing in a secure room, so thank you for getting rid of it.

"We didn't try anything else on it, just leaving it be and not touching it. It may be hazardous, but I do not think it was alive. It stuck, but it didn't move on its own. I wish we knew whatever was put into Luffy so we knew more about this, but you say he was too young to know, so we won't be getting any easy answers. It caught Whiskey on the wall because she started trying to fling it off and her arm hit the wall, sticking to it."

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