Chapter 3

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Crowfeather's pov

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Crowfeather's pov

Cold wind blew against my fur as I slipped out of my den, ears pricked in case anyone woke up. I looked over at the camp entrance. Somecat was guarding the entrance. I turned my head towards the slopes that led up from camp. I could always climb up those. Hopefully no cat would notice.

I stalked over to the edge of camp, thankful for my dark pelt that blended in with the shadows. I looked around for anyone watching before quickly climbing up the edge of camp, claws sinking into the toughened dirt.

I reached the top, shaking out my fur which had a few bits of dirt on it. I looked behind me, making sure that no one had spotted me. I was good.

I started walking across the moor, ears pricked and on alert. While walking, I caught scent of a mouse. It was pretty far from the forest but that didn't concern me. I lowered my body into a crouch and stalked towards the mouse. When I was sure that I could catch it, I pounced, sinking my teeth into the back of its neck.

I clutched it in my mouth and continued on my way. I reached the edge of Windclan territory, looking behind me for a second before bounding down the rocky slope to the small patch of woodland not too far away. When I reached the edge of the trees, I dropped the mouse onto the rocks. It fell with a limp thump.

Rustling from one of the bushes alerted me and I turned towards it. Luna climbed out from the bushes, a leave laying on her head which she shook off. When she sat in front of me, I pushed the mouse over to her. She laughed.

"I know how to hunt. I wouldn't have survived this long if I didn't" she reminded, curling her tail. "I know that but I caught it on the way. Couldn't let it go to waist" I explained, ears pointing down to the ground. She flicked her ear, looking at the mouse.

"How about we share" she offered. My tail straightened out behind me. "My kits are too young to be eating fresh kill yet. They still drink my milk" she explained, head tilting. "How old are your kits?" I ask, surprised that her kits were still so reliant on their mother. "A few days" she replied. My ears fell down. "You only just had your kits and you were walking for what was probably fox lengths" I meowed in shock.

"Like I said. Never felt safe anywhere. I was moving even when I was carrying them. Only stopped when it became really hard to keep going and left me open to attack" she explained, looking to the side with a sad look.

I moved closer. "How long have you been traveling?" I ask while tilting my head slightly. "Since my siblings died. I never stopped moving, even with my former mate we would always move about. I've never found anywhere where I feel safe or that I want to stay in" she explains, ear flicking.

"Well... If you don't like it here then you can go but at least wait until your kits are 6 moons at the earliest. They should have time to grow enough to handle traveling" I suggest. She looks at me. "I guess that's reasonable. I don't want to loose them too" she agrees, looking at her paws. I purr.

She looks up and laughs, eyes closed. My ears fell again and my heart was thumping hard. Just like with Leafpool and Feathertail. Maybe this time I could be happy.

Another chance at Love(A Crowfeather x oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now