Right here. Right now. But i guess that was going to have to wait.

I giggled and slowly leaned in crashing my lips into his as my eyes started to close.

He kissed back, but with more force as I felt his tongue slide into my mouth. I closed my eyes slowly as I started wrestling his tongue with mines.

Every moment of this felt so right. Just fuck me already.

A moan slipped out of my mouth then all of a sudden the kiss started to slow down as I felt him pulling away biting my lower lip.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He smirked and licked his lips. "You better get going before you end up late."

I mean mugged him playfully before grabbing my book bag and opening the door.


I looked back at him. "Yes."

" I told Ming to look after you today, to make sure you straight, but if anything.. text me and I'll come get you." He said fastening his seatbelt.

I nodded. "Oh ok, I will try to have a good day." I said getting out the car.

"Good, later mama."

I blushed slightly. "Byeee." and with that I closed the door and turned around walking towards the entrance of the school as he pulled off.

It was the same ole thing.

People were staring at me. Laughing at me. And throwing shit at me. It wasn't anything new though, I'm used to this.

I'm surprised none of them even walks up to me just to start some shit OUTSIDE of the school where everybody could see.

I walked in the school and examined the place and sighed. It gave me the same ole feeling that I always felt every time i step foot into this hell hole.

Something always end up happening to me. Whether if it's before, during or after school and it be for NO reason at all.

Well, at least I know this time, I'll be prepared for it.

I dragged myself down the hall, up the stairs to my first period class. Once I reached my class, I looked inside.

I was the first one there, luckily.

"Ohhh Shaniaaaaa! it's been so long, I'm so happy to see you, please come on in." The teacher said smiling.

I faked smiled her, and once I got to my original seat, in the back of the class. I rolled my eyes in annoyance because she and I both know DAMN well she ain't happy to see me, considering the fact that SHE'S the one who got me suspended in the first place, along with that stupid boy.

Speaking of the devil, he and other students started to walk in. I didn't have time for nobody's shit today. I'll just put my head down and stay unnoticeable, hopefully this is my last and final day here.

I missed Jahseh, I wonder what he was doing right now. I wanted to text him but I knew he was going to be busy this morning, besides he only said to text him if something bad happened.

I just laid my head down for now. I didn't want to make eye contact with anybody. Not even ming, who I seen sit beside me.

I couldn't help but overhear the conversation he was having with another student.

"Lmaoo dude, why are you sitting there? That's too close to where that weird girl Shania sits."

They both laughed. "Mann, I don't even wanna be right here but my boss ordered me to seat and keep a close eye on her, she's too ehh, ion know what he sees in her but hey, ain't none of my business." He responded.

Keep Me Sane.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora