MGK's (pov)

I sat back down at the table like what Cam told me to do, I was starting to get really worried about her. I dont know what happened with her and this Lucas guy but it doesn't seem good if everyone watching out for her. The table we sat at wasn't far from from the counter where Cam was standing so I could still kind of hear her conversation. "Camila please tell me you aren't apart of his gang again. you told me you left that world behind two years ago. You know what happens when you do business with him, you end up dead" Annie said staring to look really scared and sad. "I know, I know I stopped doing his dirty work but I witnessed something I shouldn't have and hes trying to cut the lose ends. Hes been looking for me since he got out of jail a couple weeks ago"Camila said while wiping a couple of fallen tears away from Annie's face. I was so confused, Camila was part of a gang, what did she witness that was so bad that the guy is after her. I need to talk to her about it but Ill wait until we get some alone time together.

Camila's (pov)

The girls and I ordered an uber back to our house while the  boys got one back to their hotels so we could pack for going to Cleveland. I spent about an hour packing making sure I had enough clothes, I dont know what the weather is going to be like there so I just packet my normal cloths with some night time outfits and bikinis. I also brought my tattoo things with me so I could give Rook one. I went out my room and out the back yard as I sparked up a cigarette. I looked at my phone to see I had a text from Garry.

- hey just checking in to make sure your feeling good

- im good for now, me and the girls are going on a holiday for the next couple days. we are heading to Cleveland with a few friends. Ill make sure to text you everyday so you know Im alive

-okay, keep me updated. Love you keep safe.

-will do love you too

I go onto Instagram to see ive got loads of new followers, like 10k more followers. I look down the list of notifications to see I got tagged in a photo.

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Liked by @modsun and 763,028 others Tagged 7 people@machinegunkelly past couple days have been crazy with the WILD GIRLS !!❌❌

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Liked by @modsun and 763,028 others
Tagged 7 people
@machinegunkelly past couple days have been crazy with the WILD GIRLS !!❌❌


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Loads of Kells fans had followed me and are commenting things on my posts, saying 'Who is she' or 'I thought kells and Halsey were still a thing'and 'how are her and the crew friends'

I didnt really care about it that much but I did wonder who that Halsey was, so I google it. Lots of things came up on the news the most recent was an artificial that came out yesterday.

- MGK speaks about his relationship with Halsey and Maybe new lover-              
i clicked onto the link sending me to a blog.

In an Interview Machine gun kelly also known as Colson Baker, He was asked about his relationship with up and coming singer Halsey.
The couple made their first appearance together back last year in summer while on a night out. A week later they were spotted making out in a restaurant in LA but a couple weeks ago Halsey was spotted leaving her ex's house, G-Easy. The couple have been spotted together once since then but over the internet they haven't been socialising together, constantly unfollowing and re following each other and also throwing shade in their tweets and Instagram captions.

Machine gun kelly spoke about their relationship in an interview yesterday. He got asked 'what is happening between you and Halsey' and also about a group of girls he met the night before the interview. He answered 'I am still single, Halsey and I are complicated, we are constantly on and off, and honestly I dont want to go back there. The new girls I met last night were crazy and I had fun with them and so did the crew. But I just want to have friends the now. Im not in the mood for any relationships'. So is this the end of Colson and Halsey? Maybe a new relationship with the new mystery girl? stay updated on this blog.

I instantly felt sorry for kells, he got cheated on and it seams like everyone is just around him for the gossip. Like even his fans were all over my Instagram page after one post with him, I dont know how he could deal with it.

The girls were done packing their suitcase then came and sat outside with me. "whats on your mind?" Maddie asks as we sparked a joint up. "something happened with Annie" I said lying, well I was worried about Annie but my mind kept wondering back to how kells must feel with every ones eyes on him. "What happened?"G asks.
I explained what Annie told me about Lucas. "we need to be careful, like he just got out of jail a last week and hes already on your ass and im worried what will happen if he does catch up with you"Maddie said.
"Im scared too but Im more worried about you guys and Garry and Annie. yall are the only things I have now." I said.
"we have you back, we will always have your back"Lucy says pulling all of us into a hug.
"Im going out for half an hour or something, If the boys get here earlier just phone me" I said getting up and heading to my car driving away from the house.

After driving 10 minutes I parked my car and got our walking up on to the grass stopping in front of a gravestone. I sat down beside it looking out on the view of the LA skyline. "Im sorry Alec that ive not been here in a couple weeks. Its just hard around this time of year you know. Its been exactly 5 years since I last saw my father today. then also Lucas got out of jail not long ago so im trying to watch my back" I quietly said out loud. "Ive met new friends, and I think you would like them, they are so funny." I sat for a good 20 minutes just talking about the events that have happened in the past couple days. "They are taking us to Cleveland tonight, so I wont be able to come see you for the next couple days or so, but you know I always think about you. No one could ever replace you Alec. I love you and I always will" I said putting my hand on my heart like what he done the last time I saw him. I got up feeling a couple tears running down my face, I walked to my car before driving off back home.

Once im home I see two black cars parked out front I walk in wiping a couple of the tears away from my face as I see all the boys messing around in the living room. "hey guys" I shout as all of them turn around seeing me. they all say hi. "so where have you been?" kells asks me moving closer to me looking into my eyes, I quickly look down to the floor so he cant tell I was crying. "just went to the den to do some last minute driving" I said lying, hopefully he bought it. he just shrugged his shoulders and walked back over to the boys.


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