I Love You, But I'm Terrified

Start from the beginning

With that issue taken care of, Hyunjin turned his attention back to his best friend. Said best friend was still hovering over the tiny toilet in the small bathroom dry-heaving into the bowl. He sighed to himself and ran his hands through his hair. It was times like these that he hated being the oldest. "How's he doing Lix?" He asked the younger as he came over to squat down beside them. "Not good Jin, I think he's done for now though." Felix told him. Hyunjin nodded his hands and scrapped his hands through Jisung's hair. The younger groaned and retched again. When he was done he pulled away from the toilet and practically collapsed back against Felix's chest. Jisung groaned again and wrapped his arms around his stomach and leaned into Felix. Felix in turn wrapped his arms around his honorary twin and held on to him tight. "How are you feeling Sungie?" Hyunjin asked him. Jisung just groaned in response. "Like crap." he told him, and you could tell that his voice was wrecked from all of the vomiting. Hyunjin gave him a sad, small smile. "I'm sorry Jisung-ah." Hyunjin told him. He then motioned for Felix to feel his head to see if he was running a fever or not. When Felix placed his hand on Jisung's forehead, Jisung pulled his head away and moaned. "Stoooppp it Lix." Jisung told him. "I'm trying to see if you're running a fever dummy, hold still." Felix told him. Eventually he was able to do so, with little complaining from Jisung. And to his surprise there wasn't one. He shook his head at Hyunjin hoping that the other boy got the message. He did. This was going to be a long night.

"Where's Innie, is he ok?" Jisung asked in a gravely like voice. The omega, even though he was very ill, was still worried about the other omega. He's always been very over protective of Jeongin, ever since they met when they were younger. Hyunjin couldn't help but chuckle at that. Even when he had just finished throwing up, and he was absolutely sure that his friend felt like death, he was still more concerned with their maknae's well being than his own. "Yeah, don't worry Sungie, we had Minnie take him into our room to calm him down, while me and Lix take care of you." He told him. Jisung just sighed in response and leaned back into Felix's chest. It still amazed Hyunjin at how caring and protective his friend was over them all. He even acted like that with all of their Hyungs, and they were all alphas! Sometimes he didn't understand his friend and this was one of those times.


It took them about another 15 minutes to get Jisung back to bed. Well, to be more specific, Felix's bed. The twins are very close and their bedroom was closer to the bathroom than Jisung and Jeongin's. So he had Seungmin take the maknae to his room to calm him down and hopefully get him to sleep since they all had class tomorrow. The other beta had a real knack for calming down the younger omega of their friend group. At this point Hyunjin had given up and knew that he wasn't going to be able to sleep any tonight. After checking on the omega and beta duo that was asleep in the bottom bunk, the eldest beta crept back out and down the hallway. He carefully pushed the door open and peaked his head in the room. Hyunjin saw Seungmin and Jeongin curled up on the younger's bed. Seungmin, the poor soul was still wide awake, but he was pretty sure that their Maknae was asleep. Seungmin saw movement out of the corner of his eye and turned his head towards the door. He spotted Hyunjin and mouthed 'Are you ok?' Hyunjin nodded his head that he was fine. 'Is he asleep?' He mouthed back at him. Seungmin nodded his head and Hyunjin took that as his cue to leave and try to get some sleep. After all all five of them had a really long day tomorrow.

Walking back into his own room Hyunjin wanted to scream. When he came back in he was met with the sight of Jisung bent over the trash can that they had in their room. Felix was with him on the edge of the bed, and the other beta was rubbing circles in his back. Hyunjin really wanted to beat something. He was tired, sore and frustrated with the world. And to make matters worse, he felt bad for his friend. Even though when they first met back when they were in high school they really didn't see eye to eye for a long while, Hyunjin cares about the oldest omega in ther friend group. Though there was one who was older but he ended up moving a couple of years ago. Anyway, they're really close with each other now, and it just breaks his heart to see his friend in so much pain. He didn't like it when any of his friends were suffering. All that Hyunjin wanted for tonight was for his friend to stop puking his guts out and to be able to sleep for at the very most 2 hours. Was that too much for him to ask for? In the Universe's opinion that answer seemed to be a big fat yes. This was going to be a long night.

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