Did Leah seriously go behind my back and bitch about me to her husband? That's what mean girls at school are supposed to do- queens and kings don't talk about people behind their backs, right?

"I also heard about the resurrection of Gaston. Don't fret, my darling, please. Gaston has no true powers of darkness- yes, he is good with a blade, but as long as you keep him chained up, he can't harm you, or your mother, or anyone. Is there any news of his fate? Normally criminals who attempt murder (and, in this case, technically succeed) are sentenced to prison, but considering that Gaston is a trademarked villain, his fate may be much worse."

"Anyway, please tell King Adam and Queen Belle that I said hello, and thank them for attending our wedding. Tell your mother that everything is going well in Elia, and tell Walt's daughter that I cannot wait to meet her. My dearest Aurora, words cannot express how much I miss you, or how much I am in love with you. Please write to me as soon as possible, sweetheart. I'll write to you just as quickly. Always yours, Philip."

"Isn't he charming?" Aurora gushed, overflowing with emotion. Her voice wasn't high pitched- it was a little deeper than most voices, rich and creamy, as though she were painting with her words.

"Aurora!" Belle squealed. "Oh, that's amazing! Goodness, you're one lucky girl."

"Oh, I know," Aurora beamed, practically melting in her chair. "Elsa, isn't he charming? Doesn't he have such a great way with words?"

Elsa smacked her lips. "Yes, of course," she muttered, staring straight into her lemonade glass.

"What was that?" Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Elsa, I couldn't hear you."

"Yes," Elsa repeated, speaking a bit louder. "He does."

Aurora looked back at her letter and let her thumb run over Philip's signature, while Belle and I gave Elsa strange glances. "Are you okay, Elsa?" Belle asked, leaving Aurora's side. The Queen of Arendelle didn't seem to be in the best shape today- she looked a little uncomfortable, an awkward frown sewn to her lips.

"Oh, of course I'm alright," Elsa responded, a plastic sort of cheeriness covering her words. "Why wouldn't I be?"

I wasn't buying it, and, based on the suspicious look that the Queen of France shot me, neither was Belle.

"Come on, Elsa," I responded, taking a seat next to the queen, "you know that we're not buying that."

"What do you mean? I'm alright, really-"

"No you aren't."

Accepting defeat, Elsa let out a heavy sigh, biting the inside of her cheek. "I just don't feel comfortable talking about your love interests. I know that I'm being ridiculous, though. I mean- we're in the Disneyverse. Everything is about romance and true love." She swallowed. "I just don't like talking about it. Back home, I'm being pressured to choose a husband- but I'm just not interested in getting married. I'm not interested in having any romance in my life whatsoever. My sister provides all the love that I need." She looked up. "Does that sound strange?"

Belle opened her mouth to speak, but I jumped in. "That's alright, Elsa. I mean, you aren't the first person I've met who isn't interested in romance. I understand."

"Thank you, Ivy- I just wish that my royal advisers would understand. Nothing's about me anymore- everything's about finding a husband." She rolled her eyes with an annoyed sort of flair. "I've tried speaking with them about it, but they just don't understand. They don't know how a person could be uninterested in romance, especially if that person is a Disney character."

"Well," Belle piped up, "I'm just going to throw this out there- royal advisers normally pressure a queen to get married because they want a king who can rule the kingdom. They don't want a husband for the queen. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

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