He didn't want to have to enter the women's bathroom unless it was completely necessary, so he waited patiently outside the door and listened to their conversation silently.

"So don't get too cocky and think so highly of yourself!"

"It was supposed to be me! If I said yes to Pa four years ago, you wouldn't be with him now!"

"Well you tried to seduce him last time, how did that turn out? Hmm?"


Jimin pushed open the door of the bathroom which hit the wall with a loud bang, startling the two women that were inside. A deadly expression appeared on his face as he noticed Han Mi's arm in the air, and he stormed in to wrap his fingers around her wrist.

"J-Jimin." Han Mi stuttered as she felt a wave of fear overtake her seeing the way Jimin was glaring at her right now. If looks could kill, she would definitely be dead right now.

He wrapped his fingers tighter around her frail wrist, almost as if he was threatening to break it if she made any wrong moves. "Lay your hands on my wife again and there will be hell to pay." He growled, throwing her arm to the side harshly.

Han Mi cradled her now tender wrist protectively, glaring at the couple through bloodshot eyes. He had once again embarrassed her in front of Y/N, as if the wine incident wasn't enough. "Park Jimin, don't be so happy!" Han Mi seethed, hot tears pricking at her eyes. "What, do you think this wretched woman will actually stay? Once you two divorce, Y/N will just go back to Jungkook! They love each other, everyone knows this. You're not that blind right?"

Jimin's cold glare didn't falter, and he reached out to hold Y/N's hand. Y/N squeezed it reassuringly, and for a moment she saw a glimmer of warmth within Jimin's dark eyes. "Just leave while I'm still being nice or you're going to regret it." His murderous tone sent shivers through her entire body, and she quickly walked out of the bathroom with her head held low.

Jimin bent down and grabbed Y/N's purse from the floor. He turned to Y/N with an innocent grin. "Are you okay Y/N?"

Honestly, Y/N could never really get fully used to the duality of this man. Just moments ago he looked like he could murder someone through his expression alone, but now he looked somewhat like a... mochi? Is that even the right way to describe Jimin? Y/N laughed to herself.

"Yes, thank you Jimin." She smiled and took her purse from his hands. "Although, we better get going before someone comes in since you're technically in the ladies room right now." She giggled. Jimin kissed her forehead and put an arm around her waist, and they quickly made their way back to their table; their little altercation with Han Mi quickly forgotten.

"What do you think about a walk on a beach after dinner?" Jimin offered as they dug into their dessert. Jimin had opted for a scoop of fruity sorbet while Y/N indulged in a rich chocolate mousse that melted in your mouth like butter.

Y/N nodded eagerly as she savoured the bittersweet chocolate on her taste buds. She felt particularly full, and a walk on the beach would be a good way to end a lovely evening.

After they had finished their meal, Jimin stood up and walked over to Y/N's side to offer her his hand. Y/N held onto it gently, and the two held hands as they walked towards the shore.

By now it was already dark outside, and the only thing that illuminated the beach was the soft white glow from the full moon, which reflected on the water beautifully. Although it was rather cold and windy, the two had dressed quite warmly tonight in thick coats so they could take their time and watch the ocean rather than be distracted by the winter breeze.

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