Chapter two - rush of adrenaline

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Out of habit, I check the contents of the bag to make sure everything is still there. I left the money I collected over the last few days in the bag. I couldn't leave anything valuable in my room and expect it to be safe.

I was especially anxious since if I didn't accumulate the money soon, I knew Zona wouldn't hesitate to chuck me out. Although I knew Zona the longest out of everyone in the apartment, her ruthless boss attitude left no exceptions or second chances.

It's a dreary walk back home; the streets aren't that pretty, especially in the winter.
A chill snaked down my spine, and I pulled the coat closer to my body.
It was eerily silent, only the clack of my boots echoed down the empty street. My pace became subconsciously quicker. 

A thankful sigh escaped my lips, when the red brick apartment came into view. I almost broke into a jog down the last stretch, eager to prop my feet up against the radiator with my tea.

But it wasn't to be.

Everything was supposed to be ok. I was supposed to get back to Zona and Lexi, and make my favourite lemon and green tea.

I was supposed to be unstoppable.


It all seemed to happen so slowly.

The grip on my wrist. the force pulling me back. the jerk of my arm. the stumble into a pair of constricting arms.

I was caught.

Keep calm. What did Zona tell you. Think!

I focused on my erratic pulse that swallowed my ears , trying to slow down, trying to think. I had to keep my head down. Hiding my face was vital; even if I managed to escape, if my identity was lost, it wouldn't matter anyway.

What else, what else...

Play the victim, act oblivious and confuse whoever caught you. They say crying adds to the effect.

And lastly. Buy time. As much as you can to think up an escape plan.

"I saw what you did on the train." A deep voice sounded next to my left ear. So my captor is a he.

"What are you talking about! Let me go!" I squirmed and kicked and cried, but his hold only tightened.

"Don't play the innocent card, I know what you did."

"I-I have no idea what you mean!" I sobbed, forcing fake tears. "Let me go! Or I'll scream!"

"Do what you want. no one will believe you when they see the evidence."

I stopped wriggling. He was holding the bag. With the stolen wallet, plastered with my finger prints.


I tried to mask my increasing panic with more cries and tears,"Wh-What do you mean! That's my Sisters!"

"So your sister has Mr.Robinson's gym membership in her wallet. Or better yet! Your sister is Mr.Robinson! She's a stunner, I must say."


I thought I chucked all of the memberships and licenses and...
I internally groaned. This would make escaping a whole lot harder.

"What do you want?" I spat, but keeping the high pitched voice.

"Oh! So you're giving up on the innocent act now" He laughed,  I scowled.

"All I want is your name. Full name by the way, and then I'll let you go. Simple."

Why would he want my name? In fact, if he saw me steal on the train, why not just call the police there and then?

I could easily lie. Lying plays a big and important part in the life of a thief. Doesn't he know this? 

"By the way, I'll know if you're lying."

We'll see about that.

I sighed, adding a couple of sniffs for effect. "Fine. But promise you'll let me go after?" my voice cracked a little at the end.

"That's what I said isn't it?" He sounded agitated, but the aggression in his voice seemed to be forced.

"Laura Swinton. There, now let me go!"

I tried to wrench my arms out, but his hands only twisted more around my pathetically thin arms.

He sighed. "I honestly thought this would be easy, but looks like we'll be here all day. Let's try again. Less of the crying, and more of the truth please."

All my muscles tensed, and my face flooded with anger fueled blood. It took me a moment to compose myself, he wasn't going to believe me in my current composure.

"Charlotte Brown"


"Hannah Dashner"


"Eleanora Anderson"

"You know, at some point you're going to run out of names."

I growled, I was losing patience and an escape plan hadn't even started to develop. But time was running out, and I had to get away from this lunatic. Spontaneity would just have to work in my favour.

"Fine!" I almost shouted. Probably sensing some sort of surrender in my demeanor, his stance shifted, so that his legs were no longer obstructing mine from kicking out. His feet adjusted to a shoulder width placement. It took all my willpower not to laugh out loud with relief.
This was perfect, a clear escape route. Now all I had to do was pull it off.

"My name is Ellie Rowsell."

He grunted in annoyance, and probably confusion at my further attempt at dishonesty. Taking this to my advantage, I swung my leg back and connected my chunky booted heel in the general area of his crotch.

A yelp, and then the loosening of his death grip on my arms swiftly followed. With minimal hesitation, I grabbed my bag and ran.

Nothing else was on my mind apart from running. Taking a detour route home so he wouldn't know where the apartment is. Just running, no looking back.

Ignore the fire in my legs. Ignore the stabbing pain in my ribs.

Run on the adrenaline, the fuel.

The only thing that keeps me going.

This is From Matilda.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن