12-The mischievous guy

Start from the beginning

“But in you’re case I call you kitten because you look like the lonely kitten that always get left in the box because he was uglier than the other ones that had been taken.”

“OOh!”She punches me pouting. “You’re such a jerk,I really can not stand you.”She says getting up from the bed.

I yank her back by the waist. “I’m not done with you.”


“I need a favor.”

“Okay let me think about it.No!”She rolls her eyes trying to get out of my grip.

I tighten my arms around her. “I don’t remember asking you.”

“I’m not doing you any favors!”She states firmly.

“You will,because if you don’t I’ll tell everybody you have a huge crush on me and it’s turning quite obsessive.”

“How old are you Hale?”

“17 why?”

“Because every time I talk to you It’s as if I was talking to a seven year old.Your maturity level is at an all time low.It’s sad.”

“I’m mature in ways that wouldn’t even cross you’re mind,kitten.”

I whisper to her ear.

“Yeah right.”

“I could show you.”I pull her further in between my legs,her butt touching my front.

I felt her freeze for an instant before quickly getting up.

I chuckle at her surprised face.

“I think,I should go.We’re-we’re done for today.” She stutters gathering her stuff.

Who would’ve thought messing with innocent girls would be so much fun.

“Fine i’ll drop you off.” I got up from the bed walking towards her.

“Um,actually Nick offered to pick me up.You don’t have to-“

“I’ll drop you off.” I state signaling her to make her way out.

“But I-“ I glared at her making her stop talking.I didn’t want that guy anywhere near my house let alone picking  Annabelle up.

We made it downstairs where my mother was just coming out of her office.

“Hello. Annabelle right?Michael’s daughter.”My mom states smiling charmingly at Annabelle.

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