XLIV. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

Start from the beginning

   "Jenna, just-" Elena says, moving to the door. 

"Let her go." I spin around seeing John. My day just got worse. "It's better that she's not here, what with everything that's going on. But maybe had you been a little more honest with her from the beginning, this-" Ric moves forward, punching John in the nose. I gasp, pulling Ric back as John stumbles back. 

    "Sorry, girls." Ric apologizes, leaving the house. I let out a little laugh, looking back to John, who now has a bloody nose. 

     "You know all of this is your fault, right?" I question, crossing my arms as Elena still stands there in shock. 

    "Right," he mutters, nodding. 

"I suggest you get the hell out of our house." I glare, ushering Elena upstairs with me. 


    I lay on Elena's bed as she sits next to me, playing with my hair. Stefan's supposed to be here soon, i hear footsteps, knowing it's probably Stefan. He walks into the room, shooting us a small smile, his phone pressed to his ear. "All right, listen. You have to find him. You have to calm him down. Compel him if you have to. Is he still on the vervain?" 

    Apparently, Caroline had to save Matt because Jonas tried to kill him, and when he woke up Caroline told him about vampires and he freaked out and now she can't find him. 

     "Hey, how are you guys feeling?" Stefan says with a small smile, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

     "It's bad." Elena frowns, "Between Isobel and Jenna and now Matt, this is disaster bad." I nod along with Elena's statement. 

     "Yeah." Stefan nods." I look up, seeing John in the doorway. My eyes narrow at him and he sighs. 

     "Girls, can you come downstairs. I need to talk to the two of you." John sighs.    

     "We have nothing to say to you." Elena glares. 

"Please, it's important." John pleads. "You, too, Stefan." We all look at each other somewhat confused but nonetheless, got up and walked down the stairs. I land on the wood and look into the kitchen seeing Isobel. I clench my job, balling my fists at my sides. 

     "I asked John for a do-over." She states. Elena and i look back at John. 

     "You invited her in?" Elena seethes. 

"She has information about Klaus." He tells us, putting his hands in his pockets. "Please, just listen to her, okay?" Elena and i look to Stefan who moves in front of us. 

     "All right. What do you know?" Stefan asks, glaring at Isobel as well. Isobel moves over to the table and i sigh following, staying by the island. 

     "Since i was last here, I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus. We knew our best chance was to find him before he found you two." I hate the sound of her voice, it sounds so fake and it makes me want to rip my ears out. 

     "Best chance at what?" Stefan questions. 

"Keeping Alina and Elena alive," John tells him. 

      "Shut up, you don't get to talk." I glare. "Not after everything you've done." 

    "Were you able to find Klaus?" Stefan asks, hands on his hips. Sassy Stefan... okay. 

     "No. Nobody knows where he is, but there are these rumors that are flying around that a doppelganger and a shadow self exists." She says looking between Elena and i. 

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