I needed time to cool off.

I heard the door open down stairs and the sound of cheerful talking. Euphemia and Fleamont must be back. I would go greet them later.

I laid back on my bed and sighed. Was I really willing to fight against my own brother? My best friends?


I needed to. I didn't want to but Lord Voldemort must be stopped.

My door creaked open slowly and I heard a small knock. I sat up and saw Euphemia standing in the door. I nodded at her to come in.

She closed the door and walked over to my bed. She took a seat in front of me and grabbed my hand. "How are you feeling dear?" She asked softly.

"I want to say I'm okay but I'm not. I want to fight in this war but James doesn't want me to." I sighed.

"Dearie," she moved a piece of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear before continuing, "don't ever let a man tell you want you can and cannot do." I chuckled at that statement. "James is worried, yes, and that doesn't excuse his actions but you must understand his worry and where it is coming from. Go to Dumbledore, I'll take you myself right now if I have to."

I smiled. "You'd really do that?" I asked.

She smiled warmly, "of course my dear." She moved to our her hands on either side of my face, cupping my cheeks. "You know, I've always wanted a daughter."

I felt myself tearing up and pulled her into a tight hug. "Well now you have one." I whispered through my tears.

I pulled back and wiped my eyes. "Let's go see Dumbledore." I smiled shakily. Euphemia nodded and got up. She pulled me up with her.

We walked stepped outside the front door, easily getting out without anyone else noticing. James would no doubt try to stop me.

Euphemia grabbed my hand and turned on her heel, apparating to presumably Dumbledore.

We landed in Hogsmeade. We couldn't apparate on to Hogwarts grounds after all. We walked up to Hogwarts chatting about whatever we could.

We finally reached Dumbledore's office. How Euphemia knew the password was beyond me by she said it anyway and we walked in.

"Ah, Mrs Potter, Miss Malfoy." Dumbledore smiled as we walked in.

"Albus. I want to join the OoTP. I need to." I spoke up, stepping forward with my shoulders back and chin up.

"Are you certain?" I nodded my head. "Very well. Welcome to the Order of The Phoenix. Now you have certain connections, Miss Malfoy, certain advantages."

"My name and blood status, you mean."

He nodded, "we need a spy. Someone who can easily slip in with the Death Eaters to provide us with necessary information to prevent attacks. It is a difficult job, Miss Malfoy. It requires skill and the ability to slip in with those of high society. You are an extremely skilled witch, your parents have no doubt taught you how to act in high society. How to hide things, act as if everything is fine in the world. We need that."

"Are you sure you want me for this task?" I asked, unsure if I really did have the skill to fit in. I have done it before, I can do it again.

"Alivia, you are perfect for this task. It is vital no one knows of what you are doing. Only you, Euph Everyone else in the order will simply believe you chose not to join."

"I understand."

"You must reconcile with your parents. Alivia?"


"You need to become a Death Eater." My heart stopped at this. The very thing I tried to run away from has caught up rather quickly. Even Euphemia gasped at the thought of me becoming a Death Eater.

"Wait, even if I get the mark, James will notice. I can't live the rest of my life with long sleeves." James was very observant. He would question it immediately.

"A strong concealment charm should hide it."

"And if it doesn't." I didn't feel comfortable keeping such a secret from James.

"We'll find one that does." Albus smiled. I chuckled and shook my head. Euphemia took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "You may use the floo system to leave. We will discuss more at a later date Alivia. For now, work on reconciling to your parents."

I nodded my head. This was going to be difficult.

But I could do it.

I wasn't put in Slytherin for nothing.

Malfoys don't give up. We do whatever it takes to get what we want.

And I will, or I will die trying.

And I'll be damned if I died trying to put a stop to Voldemort's reign.


Hope you all enjoyed! :)

I never understood how writers would say they cried writing some parts but I understand now. I started tearing up during the scene between Euphemia and Alivia.

Things are starting to get tense.

Remember to vote and comment!! It helps to know what my readers like and how they feel about my story.

- mysticpanda xx

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