hanging out with the music gals!

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I did the music gals bc I can't write lmao

bisaster: Ibuki has one last question! Do you have any friends?!

That cut deep.

crybabynurse: umm no I don't! why?


bisaster: can Ibuki add you to a groupchat with her friends?


former choir and band kids who cry in the shower + exception

bisaster has added crybabynurse to the chat!

dancedancerevolution:who tf is that

sunnypianist:Dont be so rude, Hiyoko!

my-zono: Kaede she does have a reason to be curious plus she also always is rude lol

dancedancerevolution: bro I didn't ask for an character analysis on myself

sunnypianist: Well, Ibuki, who is this?

dancedancerevolution:Wow! She actually got a girlfriend?!?

bisaster:Ibuki will explain it to you all later! This is Mikan!

crybabynurse:umm hhello!!

dancedancerevolution: damn at least type properly lmao

sunnypianist: Hiyoko!

crybabynurse: I'm sorry!!! ppleasee forgive me!!!!
dancedancerevolution:it was a joke??? but aight

bisaster:Ibuki thinks we should introduce ourselves!

my-zone: Yeah that's a good idea

sunnypianist: I can go first!
Hi! I'm Kaede and I'm a pianist! I go by she/her and I'm a lesbian!

my-zono: Hey, I'm Sayaka Maizono, I assume you've heard that name before hahaha. I go by she/her and I'm bi

dancedancerevolution: I'm Hiyoko and I'm a dancer. I go by she/her and I'm karensexual

crybabynurse:kkarensexual?? hhuh?

dancedancerevolution:it was a joke, idiot

my-zono: I can literally see Kaede typing at this point


my-zone:annd there she is!

bisaster: Mikan, you can go introduce yourself!

crybabynurse:umm okay! I'm Mikan, I'm a nurse! I go by she/her and I'm bi!!! I'm also single

dancedancerevolution:oh yeah lol sayaka and kaede dating ppl, I'm lonely lmao-

crybabynurse:ooh! wwell it was nice to meet yyou all!! I'm going to go sleep now

sunnypianist: What time is it for you?

crybabynurse:It's 9:34pm right now for me

bisaster: same for all of us! Ibuki thinks we have the same timezone, we must be close!

crybabynurse:oh!! that's greaat!! I'm going to go sleeep nnow
Mikan put down her phone and sighed peacefully. It was an eventful night. She wondered if she should go ask Junko for her actual number. Mikan laid in bed, wondering about who Ibuki could be. Sighing dreamily, she threw her blanket over her head and drifted off to sleep.

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